After some time, others also entered the room to spend time with Manik. They found their places on the bed, sofa, or other spots, but Manik's arms remained wrapped around Nandini, seeking comfort and closeness.

Abhi: Manik, how are you feeling? Better or worse?

Manik: Not worse, but not better either.

Abhi: Hmm, take your afternoon dose. I think you should start feeling better.

Nandini got up, intending to go outside, but Manik stopped her.

Manik: Where are you going?

Nandini: Just to put these dishes in the kitchen.

Manik: No need, I will ask maid to do it.

Nandini: Why bother maid with such a small task? It will hardly take me more than 2 minutes to put them away and come back.

Manik: I don't want you to leave me. (He pulled her closer and hugged her) Just stay with me.

The others in the room chuckled.

Alia: Whenever he falls sick, he won't let Nandini out of his sight, not even for a minute.

Mukti: He turns into a baby when he's sick.

Cabir: Yeah, a clingy baby.

Manik glared at Cabir.

Nandini: Dadda, can you let me go for 15 minutes? I just want to take a quick bath and come back.

Manik: (his eyes widened in shock) 15 MINUTES!!!! NO NO NO. It's fine, you don't need to take a bath today. I don't mind.

Nandini: But I do mind. It's just a matter of 15 minutes. Besides, everyone else is here with you, so you won't be alone.

Manik: I have an idea. How about we take a bath together?

Cabir nearly choked on his saliva.

Cabir: Bro, have some shame. We are still here.

Manik: (rolling his eyes) Do you think I care?

Cabir: Well, you should.

Manik: I don't need your advice.

Cabir: Do you think I care now?

Everyone in the room was becoming increasingly irritated by their unnecessary banter.

Mukti's voice cut through the room, filled with frustration. She couldn't stand the constant bickering between Manik and Cabir any longer.

Mukti: GUYSSSS!!! Will you please just shut up?

Manik and Cabir turned their attention to Mukti, who was shaking her head in disbelief.

Manik: Tell him, not me.

Mukti: You both are just nuts.

Lost in their argument, Manik suddenly realized that Nandini was nowhere to be seen.

Manik: Where's Nandini?

Abhi chimed in, responding to Manik's concern.

Abhi: While you guys were engrossed in your nonsense, she went to freshen up.

Manik: What? That's not fair. NANDINI... NANDINI!

Navya tried to calm Manik down, reassuring him that Nandini would return shortly.

Navya: Manik, calm down. It's just 15 minutes. She'll be back soon.

For the next 15 minutes, Manik sulked like a child, sitting there in silence. However, even after the designated time had passed, Nandini had not emerged from the bathroom. Manik couldn't contain his frustration any longer.

Manan: Baby loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن