Chapter 24

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So we've been in London for two weeks and the boys have over ten thousand entrees in their contest now. They're letting me and Maddie choose the fan and the fan has to be at least sixteen so we've had to skip around all the twelve year olds,only one entree was even good,all the other entrees were people being fake. But this one girl Kayleigh's entree was quite good. She says she's American but lives in England with her two sisters and her parents. She likes five seconds of summer but wouldn't like fan girl over them,she seems really cool. "Hey maddie should we tell the boys we chose someone" I say. "Yeah,sure" she says. "Luke come here" I shout. "Hey just because we have our own house here doesn't mean you can shout Michael shouts. "You just shouted" I yell back. "What do you need" Luke says walking into the room. "We picked a fan to come on tour with us" I say. "Oh cool,what's their name" Luke says. "Kayleigh Johnson" I say reading the name off of my laptop. "Oh yeah I think I watched her video,it was good" Luke says. "Well should we contact her" Maddie says. "Yeah" Luke says. So I email the email address she left on her contest entry.
Hi Kayleigh
so I am pleased to tell you that you have won the 5sos tour contest
You will be with us for around 15 weeks while the boys tour the U.S.
So please get a parent to contact me or 5sos management so we know
You'll be able to come with us.
Jade bates
I read that e-mail for the fifth time in shock,woah Jade just sent me an e-mail. I'm seventeen years old I will not fangirl. "Mom,I won the contest" I say rushing into my kitchen with my laptop. "Really,let me see" she says as I sit my laptop on the island in the kitchen. She reads it silently smiling. "You're allowed to go but you'll have to do online classes for school" she says. "Why" I say. "Because it's your senior year and you're going to graduate" she says. "Fine" I sigh. "Oh yeah also let me e-mail the person who sent this an e-mail" she says. "It's Jade and here" I say handing her my laptop.
Hello Jade
This is Kayleigh's mother,yes she is allowed to go on tour with 5sos. But she must
Do online classes for school so she doesn't fall behind. So make sure she does those classes.
Kayleigh's mom
"Yay Kayleigh can come" I say. "Really i can't wait to meet her" Maddie says. "Hey she's about our age" I say. "Well she's seventeen,you're eighteen,and I'm nineteen" Maddie says. "guys when are we leaving for the U.S." I yell. "In two days" Luke yells back. The boys have had a few shows here in London but the rest of the time they've been recording or writing. "Yay we meet her in two days" Maddie says.
~two days later~
We drive to the address that Kayleigh's mom sent us. "There's almost an even number of boys and girls" Calum says. "That means we can all have girlfriends" Luke says. "I call Maddie" Ashton says. "I call Jade" Luke says. "I call Kayleigh" Calum says. "You haven't even met her" I say. "So,I need a girlfriend" Calum says. "You can't just date a random girl" I say. "Says who" Calum says. We stop I front of a house (which I'm assuming is Kayleigh's) "I'll go ring the door bell" I say. "I'm coming too" Luke says jumping out of the car behind me. I don't know why we let Michael drive we almost got killed with him driving. Luke runs onto the porch and rings the door bell. The door opens and a girl with dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes stands there. "Oh hi I'm Kayleigh" she says. "Well we're Fran and Steve and we're here to kidnap you" Luke says. She just stares at him. "Luke you're scaring her" I say elbowing him in the stomach. "Ow" he whines. "Oh you must be Jade" a lady who I assume is her mom says coming to the door. "Yeah and this is Luke" I say pointing to Luke. "Well nice to meet you,we have all of Kayleigh's stuff she'll be needing in here" her mom says handing Luke a bag that looks quite heavy (or at least heavy for Luke). "Okay I'll go put this in the car while Kayleigh say goodbye to her family" Luke says walking towards the car. "Well he's a gentleman" Kayleigh's mom says. "No he isn't" I say. "Okay bye,see you soon" Kayleigh says walking out the door with a back pack on. "I'm ready to go" Kayleigh says. "Okay" I say. "Bye mom" she says. "Bye" her mom says waving. We get in the car and everyone just stares at Kayleigh. "Hey" Calum says. "Okay I'm not a fangirl but this is awesome" Kayleigh says. "Good at least you're not going to get jealous because we have girlfriends" Luke says. "Wait are juke and Mashton real" Kayleigh says. "Maybe" Luke say looking at me. "Does this answer your question" Ashton say kissing Maddie on the cheek. "Yeah" Kayleigh says smiling.
Yay new character,so what do you guys think of this story
I haven't been getting much feedback on it so I want to know if you guys like it.

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