Chapter 9

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Ashton doesn't remember me. Does that mean I can have a fresh start with him and become his friend. He's I nice guy I have to admit but also there's Jade and I can't look at her without feeling guilty. But there's also Luke who will literally die to protect Jade. Ugh...this is so confusing.
"So he doesn't remember you two" i say. "No he's never heard of Michael and Calum" Calum says. "That sucks" I say. "Yeah but Luke can we ask you something" Michael says. "Yeah sure" I say. Michael grabs my arm and we walk away leaving Jade behind with Ashton's mom,brother and sister. We stop in an empty hallway. "What do you need to ask me" i say. "Do you want to be the lead singer in our band again" Michael says. "What's the catch" I say. "There isn't one we'll leave Jade alone" Calum says. "We don't hate Jade I just can't look at her without feeling guilty" Michael says. "What about you" I say looking at Calum. "I don't know I just did whatever Michael was doing" he says. Of course. "okay then we can pretend nothing ever happened between us and Jade" I say. "So we're just going to tell Ashton were all best friends" Michael says. "Yep" I say. "He'll get suspicious" Calum says. "No he won't he's still the same go with the flow Ashton he won't notice the difference" I say. They nod their heads and we walk back into the waiting room. I'll explain it all to Jade later.
I heard a doctor say I might have amnesia earlier today. Is that why these Michael and Calum people claim to know me but I have no idea who they are. I remember everything except Michael and Calum. I remember how to play the drums I remember that I'm in collage I remember my best friend is Jade. There's nothing I forget except them.
Omg this chapter is soooooooooo short sorry.

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