Chapter 11

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1 month later
Dear Michael
I gladly accept your apology and your letter made Luke shed a few tears
He's such a baby
Also Michael your apology was very long winded
How long did it take you to write that
Probably hours
And you're right it's so easy to just write down your thoughts
Trust me my letter will not be nearly as long as yours
I just don't have as many things to say as you
It's been a month and I've brought your letter everywhere with me
Every time I have free time I read it
You and the boys posted a few covers on YouTube
And you have quite a lot of viewers
They probably all think your hair is awesome
I haven't seen you in a while
But I've heard your hair is now a dark purple color
Which is awesome because my favorite color is purple
I can't believe it's taken me a month to write back to you
I just didn't know what to write
But I took your idea to just write my feelings
Luke's been staying with me and my parents for a while because
He dropped out of school
And his mom just couldn't accept him doing that
So I've heard a lot About you from him
He got his lip pierced but I guess you already know that
I know we could just be talking in person I mean
We love 10 minutes away from each other
I just kind of like writing
Should I do a creative writing class next semester?
I think I've wrote enough now
Bye for now
Sincerely Jadeyn
This letter appeared in my mailbox this morning and I was so thrilled to receive "What are you reading" Calum says looking over my shoulder. "Nothing" I say shoving the letter into my pocket. Jade accepted my apology. I mean it took her long enough. I hear Luke and Ashton in my basement practicing a song I wrote. I have to admit the songs about Jade. I just can't accept that I like her because she's my best friends girlfriend. I hear a faint knock on the door so I walk to it because Calum is already in the basement with Luke and ashton. I open the door and see Jade standing there. This is awkward. "My family's going out to dinner so I came to ask Luke if he wanted to come because he let his phone at my house" she says. "Oh I'll go get him" I say and hurry down to the basement. "Do you guys think I should break up with her I mean she's obviously into Michael" Luke says. He doesn't know I'm down here. "You'd hurt her" Ashton says. "Yeah but I guess it's for the better if I break up with her" Luke says. "Hey jades here" I say pretending I didn't hear their conversation. "Good I need to talk to her" Luke says glancing at Ashton. "Okay she's at the door" I say. He's breaking up with her this is it.
I see Jade as I approach the door. "hey Jade let's step outside I need to talk to you" I say dreading what I'm about to say. I shut the door quietly behind me and look at Jade. "I don't know how to says this but Jade you've given me the best almost two months of my life and trust me I'll never forget them but this just isn't working" I say. "Are you breaking up with me" she asks. "I'm afraid so"I say. "Just leave don't come back to my house come and get your things and go to Calum's or something" she screams crying. "Jade just listen..." I say. "I don't care about what you have to say" she says cutting me off. "Okay then" I say walking into michael's house. I see Michael hurry up the stairs probably going to talk to Jade.
"Jade listen you're my best friend right now and I lo-like you a lot and my best friend just hurt you a lot" I say walking out the door. Jade sits on my porch staring at a piece of paper. I look over her shoulder and see that it's my letter image her. "You still have it" I say. "Yeah I only carry one of the pages with me at a time but I just love it so much" she says. I see the ink on the paper have smeared from fresh tears. I sit down beside Jade and she buries her head in my shoulder and begins to sob. "Sing to me please" she says. I try to think of a song and then I think of one me and Luke wrote
You called me up its like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
That you'll never get over him getting over you
And you end up crying and I end up lying
Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do
And when the phone call finally ends
I say thanks for being a friend
And I'm going in circles again and again
I dedicate this song to you the one who never see's the truth
That I can take away your hurt
Heartbreak girl
Hold you tight straight through to daylight
When you gonna realize that I'm your cure
Heartbreak girl.
I sing softly in her ear. "Luke wrote that" she says. "So did I. And it also kind of matches what's going on. Right now" I say. She hugs so tight. I just love it. "Why do you like me" she asks. "Read my letter" I say.
Omg yessss finally a long chapter. I'm pretty sure I've done a triple update today
Also I'm already shipping Michael and Jade
Made or Jichael ?

Those people -1st book in the people series-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora