Chapter 23

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The boys are at songwriting,which means I'm at the hotel with Maddie because the boys won't let us come with them,because they want to keep the songs a surprise to us,but I already saw that they stole me and Ashton's song rejects,which I guess isn't stealing since Ashton's in the band. "Jade,come here" Maddie says. I walk out of the bathroom and see Maddie sitting on her and Ashton's bed,which really isn't theirs because We just slept on whatever bed was closest after we ate. "Yeah,Maddie" I say. "Do you think the songs tech boys write are about us" she says. Yeah,because voodoo doll is about me,Luke wrote it when he broke up with me. "No,I think they're just random songs" I say. "Well I previewed the EP and listen to this" she says. She clicks a button on her laptop and music begins to play
She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered
I play guitar but she's into drummers
Shes seen my face around but she doesn't even know my name
I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool
I ripped my jeans and dropped out of school
"Coincidence" I say. "Nope,not a coincidence,it's about you" Maddie says. "It could be anyone" I say. "Really" Maddie say looking at me. "Yeah I mean they've all dated girls before" I say. "Okay but did they keep a girlfriend" she says. "Well no" I say. I remember when Michael dated my sister,she was way to old for him,but now he has a restraining order on her and she lives in England. We're going to England but she lives really far from London. "Jade,snap out of it" Maddie says snapping me out of my thoughts. "What" I say. "Ashton just texted me and said that there is lots of traffic and they'll be home late" Maddie sighs. "You don't like being away from Ashton" I say. "I really don't" she says. "So when tours over,which is in just a few weeks are you going to continue school" I say. "I've been taking online classes while we've been on tour,so yeah I'll stay in school" she says. "Good at least one of us we'll be smart" I say. "Good because those boys need some since knocked into them" Maddie says. "So the boys are about to release their album" I say. "Yeah,they've come so far" Maddie says. "When I became friends with them they were just a small garage band" I say. "When I moved away in ninth grade Michael didn't even know how to play guitar just guitar hero" she laughs.
"We've been in this car too long" I say. "We're almost at the hotel" Ashton says. "Well hurry,I what to cuddle with Jade" I say. "Jeez it's always Jade,you never want to cuddle with me anymore" Calum jokes. "Oh don't worry Cal I still love you" I say messing up his hair. "I love you too" Calum laughs. "Hey,I thought we were married Calum" Michael says. "Well we're getting a divorce" Calum says. "Hey I'm taken you can stay with Michael" I laugh. We always joke around because the fans gave us all ship names together. "I can't wait to go to London" Ashton says. "why?" I ask. "I want to take Maddie ice skating and its to warm here" Ashton says. "Aww how cute Mashton" I say. "shut it Juke" Michael says. "why" I ask. "I'm getting a call from our manager" he says.

"Hey Jade" I say running into the hotel room hugging Jade. We'll have to tell the girls about America soon,they'll be really exited,but the tours going to be extended. "Luke you've been gone for four hours and you miss me" She says"well no,I just yeah missed you" I say. "Well we have good news" Calum says. "Yay,I like news" Jade says. "We're going to America after we go to London" Michael says. "Really,I've always wanted to go to America" Maddie says. "We're also going to have a contest for the fans in London"I say. "What's the contest" Jade says. "We're going to have fans send in videos of them saying some stuff about themselves and If they win they get to come on tour with us,for the rest of the tour" I say. "Aww that's awesome we need more people to hang out with you guys are boring" Jade says. "Hey I think I'm quite fun" I say. "I think you're cute not fun" Jade says. "I'm not cute I'm punk rock" I say. "Fine then cute rock" Jade says. Michael throws a pillow at us and I look at him. "Move you're in front of the TV and spongebob is on" he says. Me and Jade move over and sit down on the floor beside the TV. "So how many fans so you think you guys have in London" she says. "Like five" I say. "You guys probably have a million fans there" Jade says. "You really think that" I say. "Okay maybe not a million but a big number" she says. "Like what" I say. "Quadruple digits" she says. "That's only thousands" I say. "Okay then five digits" she says.
This chapters so short
So who do you think the fans going to be

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