Chapter 22

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"I don't think he understands that he can't just runaway from reality" a voice who I realize is Jade says. "What's wrong with him anyway" Maddie says. "He's an idiot,we've been over this" Calum says. I open my eyes. Ow my head hurts. Was I drunk or something. I have to puke. "Jade" I mumble. "Luke" she says leaning over me. "I love you" I say to her. "I love you too Luke" she says. "Will you cuddle with me?" I ask. "Of course" she says laying down beside me in what is apparently a hotel room bed. She lies down beside me and I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes. I love the way she smells,she smells like coconuts. "Luke" she mumbles. "Huh" I mumble back. "What did you do last night" she asks. "How would I remember,I was drunk" I say. "Get up we have stuff to do today" Ashton says. "I'm hungover shut up" I say. "Yeah,just let us stay here" Jade mumbles. "Fine but you have to come out with us tomorrow" Ashton says. "Where are you guys going anyway" Jade asks. "Songwriting" Calum says. Ugh songwriting. "Okay bye" Jade says. "Hey we're not leaving now" Michael says. "So we can't get rid of you yet" Jade sighs. "No we don't have songwriting for two hours" Calum says. "I want to dye my hair again" Michael says. "Didn't you just dye it green" I say. "Yeah,but I want it to be red now" he says. "Maddie,get in here,Michael's dyeing his hair again" Ashton calls. "I'm here,now what color" Maddie says running into the room. Of course Maddie would know so much a out hair since she cares so much about hers. It takes that girl like and hour to style the curly poodle hair on her head. "Red" Michael says. "Okay come on we have to get to work on your hair now,if you have songwriting in two hours" Maddie says pulling Michael into the bathroom. "That girl really loves hair doesn't she" Calum says. "Yeah,she was trying to braid my hair like a 5 year old yesterday" Ashton says.
I close my eyes.
"Luke you can't just runaway from reality" Jade shouts over the phone. "But Jade,I just,I don't know" I say. "See you don't know,as usual" she says. "Jade,just listen to me" I say. "I don't trust your opinion,anymore Luke so no I won't listen" Jade says. "Jade just trust me" I say. "I can't" she says and with that the line went dead.
"Luke,wake up" Jade says urgently. "Why" I say. "Because,you look like you just saw a ghost" Jade says. "Oh I just had a bad dream" I shrug. "Okay" Jade says unsure. "So,how long was I asleep" I say yawning. "About two hours" she says. "I'm guessing the boys went to songwriting" I say. "Yeah,Maddie went with them so she could show off what a wonderful job she did on Michael's hair" she says. "I'm starving" I say. "Well we're in a hotel,which means there is no food" Jade says. "Isn't there a cafe or something" I say. "yeah but then we might get mobbed by fans" Jade says. "So that happens everywhere" I say. "Yeah but Luke last night you sorta kinda hit a few people and now you're getting a ton of hate" she says. "I hit people" I say shocked. "Yeah a fan and a security guard" she says. Wait I remember doing that,I wasn't drunk when I did that. "Oh well then we'll just have to wait for the boys to get home" I say. She nods. Was that dream some sort of sign,that me quitting music,will tear me and Jade apart. "Jade" I say. "Yeah,Luke" she says looking at her phone. "I think I'm going to do music again" I say. "That's really good" Jade says glancing up from her phone.
The boys arrive at the hotel and then we start talking about food. "I want pizza" Michael whines jumping onto a bed. "you want pizza everyday" Ashton says. "Panda Express" Jade says. "We have that everyday too" Ashton says. "Taco Bell" Maddie says. "Yes,I need a taco" Calum says. "Okay but do you guys mind going to get it because I have a headache and I'm not in the mood for screaming fans" I say. We tell Ashton and Maddie our orders and they leave,leaving me and Jade with Michael and Calum. "I'm hungry" Michael says. "They just left" Jade laughs. Her laugh is so cute and I haven't heard it in forever. "I know but I'm going to find some popcorn or something" Michael says. "I love the way you say popcorn" Jade says. Jade may be Australian like us but accent is not nearly as thick as ours. "Popcorn,popcorn,popcorn" Michael says skipping to the "kitchen" which is really just a pile of food in our hotel room. "Guys we're going to London next week" Calum says. London is the first place we're going on tour that isn't in Australia,which means we will have to be on a plane and Jade told me she hates planes. "It's probably going to be freezing there" Jade says. "Hey at least we don't have any shows until London" Calum says. "Yay" I say. "You don't perform anyway" Calum says. "I do now" I say. "What changed your mind" Calum says. "I don't know" I say. "Probably,Jade" Calum mumbles. "I'd be proud if it was because of me" Jade says smiling. "Well good then,Luke you're coming to songwriting with us tomorrow" Calum says.
Yay Luke's performing again,or is he?

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