Chapter 12

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I finish watching Michael sing to Jade and walk towards the basement. What did I I just do. I gave my best friend my girlfriend. Jade deserves someone that isn't me. So Maybe she'll be happier with him. Yeah I'll think of it that way. "Did you do it?" Ashton asks. "I wish I didn't" I say. "Luke she's just a girl" Calum says. "Okay how about you go and date Jade and then tell me she's just a girl" I say. "Come on we need to practice" Ashton says pulling me to me to my guitar. "Do you guys remember the song amnesia we wrote" I say. "Yeah duh" Calum says. "What song amnesia" Ashton says. "We wrote it before you were part of the band" I say. Ashton nods and continues tapping his drumsticks on the rail on the stairs.
"Jade is purple really your favorite color" I ask. "Yeah" she mumbles. "You know I dyed my hair purple because Luke told me your favorite color was purple" I say. "Why would you care about my favorite color" she asks looking up. "I wanted to get on your good side" I say. "We're practically strangers" Jade says. "What do you mean" I say. "I mean we've been so caught up hating each other that we know nothing about one another" she says. "Okay what's your middle name?" I ask. "Nicole what's yours?" She asks. "Gordon and I hate my middle name so just forget it please" I beg. "Okay" she giggles. "What's your favorite color?" She asks me. "Red and I know yours is purple" I say. "Do you have any tattoos or piercings?"She asks. I pull off my jacket and show her my tattoo that says to the moon. "And you know I have an eyebrow piercing" I say. "Okay any piercings or tattoos on you" I say. She pulls up the leg of leggings and points to a small tattoo of a rose.(do you guys realize in my stories I take references straight out of 5sos songs) "that's cool I didn't know you had a tattoo" I say. "Neither do my parents" she says. "Why?" I ask. "Me and Ashton made a bet and he said if he won I had to get a tattoo and I saw a rose in the park and decided I wanted a rose" she says. "What was the bet" I ask. "I don't even remember it was nearly 2 years ago" she says. "When did you get yours" she asks. "About a month ago" I say. "Why" she asks. "Because that was when I wrote the first letter to you and I wanted to tell you I loved you to the moon and back but I didn't" I say. "Awwww" she says. "Shut up" I say playfully shoving her. "You know I kind of loved that letter you wrote me" she says. "I liked yours that you sent me too" I say. "Aww you're so sweet and cuddly"she says wrapping her arms around me. I had never been happier
This chapter is so short whoops

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