Chapter 15

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2 weeks later
It's been 2 weeks and I haven't told Jade about Abby or that her sister doesn't live in Australia anymore because of me. "Mikey" Jade calls from upstairs. "Oh so we're at the nickname part of the relationship" Luke says. I give him a death glare. I walk up the stairs. Luke seems to be fine with me and Jade dating because I guess Jade is one of his best friends. "What Jade" I say approaching my bedroom. "I can't find my phone charger" she whines. "Here use mine" I say pointing to my charger on my dresser. "Okay it's not mine but whatever" she says sarcastically. "Hey Jade come down stairs with me and come hang out with me and the boys" I say. I just now realized two of my best friends parents kicked them out of their houses because they dropped out of school. Jade's mom has came by looking for Jade a few times but I've just told her she's not here. Also Jade begged my parents to tell her she's not here too. Even though her mom most likely knows she's here. I grab jade's hand and start pulling her down the stairs with me. Luke's been staying at Calum's but he's here most of the time. "Michael I need to do my homework" she says. "That was the worst excuse I've ever heard you don't go to school" I say. "Dang it" she says. "Guys look who finally came out of her cave" I say walking into the living room Ashton is on his phone. Luke is sitting on the floor strumming his guitar quietly. Calum is sitting in a chair looking at his phone. "Did you guys hear me" I say. "Oh hey Jade" Luke says. "Sup Jade" Calum says. "Hey Jade about time you spend time with us" Ashton says. "Shut up Ashton" she says. "It's someone's time of the month" Calum mumbles. "Oh you don't know the half of it" she says glaring at Luke. She obviously has a deep hatred for him but she won't admit it. She's obviously mad that I'm making her stand in the same room as Luke. Saying she is mad at him is an understatement. "Do you guys want to go out somewhere" I say. "Sure" Calum and Ashton say in unison. Luke just nods his head. "Okay where do you want to go" I say. "Pizza" Ashton says smiling. Obviously he wants pizza but so do I. I honestly would prefer sitting in my room playing video games right now but my mom told me that's rude when we have company. I mean Jade practically lives here and Luke,Calum,and Ashton could care less about what I did they just really like hanging out in my basement. Because I have every type of guitar you could think of. Electric and acoustic also a few others I forget the name of. "Okay so we're getting pizza" I say smiling. Pizza is my favorite thing behind video games. Ashton,Calum,and Jade race each other to see who can get to my car first. When they've already run out the door I look at Luke. "Dude you have to move on eventually" I say. "I know it's just she won't even look me in the eye anymore" he sighs. "Give her time,now are you coming or not" I say. He stands up and sits his guitar down on the couch and walks out the door with me. "I call shotgun" Jade says jumping into the passenger seat. I sit in the drivers seat and Calum,Ashton,and Luke cram themselves into the back. "Where are we going again" Calum asks as were driving down the street. I sigh loudly trying really hard to show that I'm annoyed with him asking so many questions in the last five minutes. He has literally asked me everything that popped into his head. Jade just shakes her head at the question he asked. "Okay we are finally here" I say. "Good I have to potty" Calum says getting out of the car rushing inside. "He's so childish" I say. "Oh he's childish says the boy who's hair looks like a my little pony" Ashton laughs. "Hey at least I don't wear pony shirts" I say. He sticks his tongue out at me like a five year old. I realize Luke has left the car and is walking down the street. I need to talk to him. "Guys go ahead I'm going to catch up with Luke" I say. Jade gives me a look and I know exactly what she's thinking but I just ignore it. "Jade make sure he doesn't kill anybody and made sure Calum comes back from the potty as he said" I say running towards Luke. "What's your problem" I say. "You expect me to just to stand here and watch you love the love of my life" he says. "Luke you don't get it do you" I say. "No I guess I don't" he says. "She's not yours and you don't have to just stand here" I say almost shouting. "Well okay then I won't" he says sitting down. He's so sarcastic. "I didn't mean like that" I say. "Shut up I was being sarcastic" he says. "I noticed" I mumbled. "I just I want to talk to her but she doesn't want to be around me" Luke sighs. "I know and I want you to talk to her too,I'm tired of my best friend and my girlfriend not talking to each other" I say. "Okay yeah I know I just really hate that the second I broke up with her she came to you" he says. "Me too she's so complicated" I laugh. "I know you're joking" he says. "I know I am I just want you too to get along " I say. "Okay but promise me one thing" he says. "What would that be mr.hemmings" I say trying to sound fancy. But how fancy can you be when your hair is purple. "Don't break her heart like me" he says. "Then u guess I can't tell her about Abby and Bailey" I laugh. "Don't" Luke says seriously. "What do you mean" I say. "Don't tell her" he says. "Okay I won't but we're good right" I say. "Yep" he says smiling.

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