Chapter 3

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Jade...why is she always on my mind? I don't like Michael and Calum bullying her but it's part of the deal. I want to talk to Jade and be friends with her but it's not allowed because of the deal. Everything comes back to the deal. I have a plan but it's a risky one. I'll have to reveal the deal.
I'm walking to lunch when I'm stopped by Luke. "Get away from me" I say. "Wait no Jade just listen to me" he says. "What do you want" I say. "Just listen Jade it's not what I want but it's what's best for you" he says. Am I really falling for his crap right now. "Fine I'll listen" I say. He pulls me into the janitors closet with him. "What are we in here for?" I ask. He puts his finger up to his lips signaling me to be quiet. Is this some sort of trap. "Okay Jade listen okay" he says locking the door. I nod my head. "Let me begin with I'm sorry" he says. What's he sorry for. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm sorry for all the horrible things I've done to you" he says his voice lowering to a whisper. "What do you mean?" I ask knowing exactly what he means but asking anyway. "I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you" he says quietly. By now I'm expecting Michael and Calum to pop out and this whole thing to be a prank just for their amusement. But nothing happens. I look at Luke who is now sitting on the ground. He signals for me to sit down in front of him. I do so hesitantly. "Jade I trust you and You have to promise to never tell anyone this or you and I will be in so much trouble with Michael and Calum" he says. Okay this is about Michael and Calum. Luke sighs and begins to talk "okay so in 7th grade before you came to our school I was best friends with Ashton we had been friends since when I was in 3rd grade and he was in 4th" he says. Ashton was friends with Luke I guess I already knew that but where were Michael and Calum during their friendship wasn't Ashton friends with them too. "But when you came to our school in 8th grade Ashton became friends with you and I really wanted to be your friend but Michael,Calum,me,and Ashton made a deal when you started going to our school" he says. "What kind of deal?" I say. "If we stayed away from you and we weren't your friend that they wouldn't bully you but Ashton went against the deal and became friends with you and that's why they bully you" he says. "It can't get any worse than it is why don't you just leave them" I say. "Because i want you to be safe and if I leave them they will be so mean to you and they would just be terrible to Ashton and me as well" he says.
I'm walking down the hall when I hear someone talking. The voice sounds so familiar but I don't know where it's coming from. I press my ear against the door of the janitors closet and hear the voice much clearer. "If we stayed away from you and we weren't your friend that they wouldn't bully you but Ashton went against the deal and that's why they bully you" I hear a voice that I recognize as Luke's say. He's telling Jade about the deal. Oh something's coming his way and he's not going to like it.
TOkay yeah I know slightly shorter chapter. But what do you think Michael will do? You know what time for the question.
Q-who is your favorite 5sos band member
My answer-idk I like Luke and Michael the most though

Also I'm sorry for spelling mistakes I will go through and fix them when I'm done with the story😀

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