Chapter 7

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Jade pulls in one of my t-shirts and we walk into my kitchen. "How did you sleep" my mom says. "Good" me and jade says in unison. "Did you hear Michael and Calum dropped out of school" my mom says. "We've only been at school for a day and their already dropping out" I say. "Yeah they want to focus on their music career or something" My mom says. Jades phone rings and she excuses herself out of the kitchen. "What do you mean they think he has amnesia" She says. Ashton. "Did the car even hit his head" she says. "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that" she says. "Thanks for telling me" she says. She enters the room. I see a few tears on her face. "Ashton" she whispers in my ear. I nod and begin to eat my bacon. "So Jade want grade are you in" my mom says. "I'm in 12th grade just like Luke" she says. "When did you two meet" my mom asks. "Oh we've known each other since 8th grade we've just never really hung out" she says winking at me. We eat in silence until I say "hey Jade I think we should get going to school". "Yeah we should we're going to be late" she says. I grab my book bag. "Bye mom" I say as I walk out the door. "By Ms. Hemmings" Jade says. We walk to my car. "So what's wrong with Ashton" I say. "Their saying he has severe Amnesia and won't wake up for months" she sighs. "Hey Jade do we really have to go to school today" I say. "I guess not" she says. "I'll text my mom and ask her if it's okay"She says. She texts her mom. "She said it's fine" she says. "Good we're going to see Ashton" I say. "So Michael and Calum dropped out of school" Jade says. "Yeah we used to have a band called 5 seconds of summer but since im no longer friends with them I don't know what they are going to do" I say
We visited Ashton and then we decided we were going to go get some lunch. "Jade where do you want to go" I say. "I don't know we could get Chinese" she says. "Nah how about we get mcdonalds" I say. "Of course that's what you want" she giggles.
We sit at a table in mcdonalds. Jade picks at her salad quietly. Make your move now or never. "Jade I know this past day we've been friends has been weird and we've been through a lot during this one day" I say. "Okay and.." She says. "Jadeyn Will you be my girlfriend" I say.
"Jadeyn will you be my girlfriend" Luke says. "Of course" I say. He grabs me and kisses me. "Eww" a few people in the restaurant say. But I don't care I'm just happy.
Sorry short chapter I just needed something to put in this chapter so yeah
So what should Jade and Luke's ship name be
I like Ladeyn because it's a mix between Jaydeyn and Luke.
I really like calling her Jadeyn in the story IDK why. Also a few chapters ago I called Luke Lucas and honestly idk if that's his name.

Those people -1st book in the people series-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora