Chapter 5

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"Do you need a ride home Luke" Ashton says getting into his car. "Yeah I guess" I say. Jade sits in the front seat of the car in the passenger seat so I sit in the back. "Wait Luke was the whole bullying thing an act" Jade asks. "For me but Michael and Calum are serious about it" I say. The whole ride is silent until we reach my house. "Wait how do you know where I live Ash?" I ask. "Do you forget that we used to be friends" Ashton says. "Oh yeah" I say making myself sound stupid in front of Jade. "Thanks for the ride Ash,see you tomorrow Jade" I say getting out of the car.
I look at Ashton as Luke gets out of the car. Once Luke is at his front door we drive away. "What made him want to open up to you" Ashton asks. "I don't know but we were talking in math class this morning" I say. Ashton nods his head and continues looking at the road.
I look at my phone and see a text from Calum.
C-where did you go during school
L-the park
C-why did you go wit Jade
L-idk just shut up
C-jeez I didn't say anything
L-okay good and tell Michael I'm tired of him
Ugh...could they just leave me alone for 5 seconds. That's when I notice I have 87 missed calls from my mom. I'm never going to hear the end of this.
I hear the front door open. Mom must be home from work whatever. I continue looking at my phone when I hear the sound of glass smashing. "Mom?" I say peeking through my bedroom door. But instead of my mom I see a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes with a boy with unnatural red hair and green eyes. "Jacob,Michael what are you doing" I shout. Jacobs my dad but I'm not about to call a guy who gave me a concussion on purpose when I was 7 dad. "We were just visiting" Michael says smirking. "How is breaking my moms good China visiting" I say. "Speaking of her where is Elizabeth anyway?" Jacob asks. "I don't know you've probably kidnapped her or something" I say. Michael laughs and then runs towards my bedroom. "Ha I found it" he says running out of my room with my phone. "You'll won't call the police now will you" Jacob says throwing my phone on the floor. It shatters into 1 million pieces. "We have a landline you know" I say. "Cut the phone line before we came in" Michael says. "What do you want from me" I say. "Stay away from Jade" Michael says. Him and Jacob run out the front door. "Jade" I whisper. I look at the time. It's 10:44 I wonder if I went to jades if I would wake her. I can't call her to tell her I'm coming. I run out the front door and get in my car. I start to drive when I see a figure walking across the road. I can't slow down. I run straight into the figure and they fall to the ground. I jump out of my car and stare at the person. "Luke" the person says struggling to talk. It's Ashton.
I stare at my ceiling. I like Luke Hemmings. I hear my phone start to ring I grab it and see that Ashton is calling. I answer it quickly what would he need at 11 pm. "Jade can you come somewhere now" a voice that's not Ashton's but Luke's. "Wait Luke what do you mean meet you somewhere and why are you calling me from Ashton's phone?" I ask. "I'll explain when you come something's happened to Ashton" he says. "Where are you" I say. "About a block away from Ashton's" he says. "Okay I'll see you in a few minutes. I pull on a pair of converse and start to walk to the door. "Where are you going this late" my mom stops me. "Something's happened to Ashton" I say. "What?" My mom says. "I don't know Luke called me and told me to meet him somewhere it's an emergency" I say. "Who's Luke" my mom says. "Oh he's Liz Hemmings son he's my friend" I say. "Okay but are you walking there" she asks. "No I'm running" I say. "Okay but call me" she says. I nod my head and run out the door. I run for what seems like forever until I see Luke standing by a stop sign looking worried. I see ambulances in the road near him. "What's going on" I scream over the sirens. Luke puts his arm around me and begins to walk down the street. I can see he's been crying. Once were far enough where we don't have to scream Luke starts to talk. "Michael and Jacob my dad broke into my house and they took my phone and smashed it so I couldn't call you so I was driving to your house and I hit someone with my car and I got out of the car and I had hit ash" Luke says. He sits down on the sidewalk and starts to cry. I sit down beside him and start running my hands through his hair. "It's okay Luke" I say. "No it's not he could die" Luke says. "He won't" I say trying to fight back tears. I see a paramedic walk towards us. "You're the one who called about mr. Irwin aren't you" he says. Luke nods his head. "Well he's in a coma and we don't know when he'll wake up" he says. Luke nods his head and the guy walks away. "Luke are you okay" I say. "Do I look okay" he says. I wrap my arms around him and shake my head. That's when it begins to rain. "Good the weather matches my mood" Luke says. I realize I'm soaked and I'm just wearing a t-shirt and leggings. Luke looks at me and sees me freezing and pulls off his sweatshirt and puts it over my shoulders. He smiles and he leans in and we kiss.
don't you just love plot twists. I know I do. Question time.

Q-what do you rate this story 1-10 so far
My answer-idk I don't rate my stories

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