Chapter 6

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"You know I think we should get going to the hospital" Luke says. "Yeah Jade" says pulling on my sweatshirt. We get in my car and start to drive towards the hospital.
I hear people around me but I don't see anything and I can't move. "Ashton here was hit my a car the driver of the car was Luke Hemmings and it wasn't a hit and run apparently mr. Hemmings knows Ashton quite well" a man says. Luke what are they talking about why would he hit me with a car. Actually that might explain the beeping noise I hear. I'm in a hospital. I hear someone crying and I soon realize it my mom. She's so emotional. Why can't I move or see but I can hear. Either I'm paralyzed and blind or in a coma. The coma seems more likely. Okay so I'm in a coma and I don't know what's going on. I hear someone enter the room. "Ash I'm sorry will you forgive me" a voice which I recognize as Luke says. I mentally nod my head but in reality I don't move. "Hey Ashton wake up you loser" Jade says jokingly. Luke laughs a little. I hear him sit down down and start to hum a song but what song. I listen closely and realize it's rejects the song Jade and I wrote. How does he know it? "I think we should go"Jade says. I hear the door shut and I'm left in complete silence. What was Luke apologizing for he didn't do anything. Oh yeah he hit me with a car.
"I think we should go" I say staring at Luke who has his head in his heads. He nods and we walk out of the room. "Luke you shouldn't feel guilty for this" I say. "Oh so it's not my fault that your best friend is in a coma" he mumbles. "No Luke it's not" I say. "I hit him with the car how is it not my fault" he says. "Because you were stressed and it was dark and you did the right thing not to just leave and not call anyone" I say. He smiles weakly and we continue walking towards the exit.
We arrive at Luke's house which is surprisingly close to the hospital. "Why are we here can't you drive me home" I say. "Jade it's 1am you can just crash here" he says. I nod and we get out of the car. "Luke oh my gosh I was so worried when I came home and you weren't here" Liz says. "Oh I didn't know where you were so I went to jades" he says looking at me. I wave. "Sorry there was lots of traffic but why is my good China broken and why did you run away from school" she asks Luke. That's when I couldn't hold it back anymore. "Me and Luke were humiliated in front of the whole grade so we went to the park to escape the humiliation" I blurt out. Liz just stares at me,probably because of the speed I was talking. "Also can Jade stay here tonight" Luke says. "Sure"Liz sighs. "Thanks" Luke says grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room. "Cool room" I say staring at his walls which have posters of bands. "Thanks"he says. He shuts the door. "So you're not going to tell your mom that Michael and your da-I mean Jacob broke into your house then you hit a dude with a car" I say. "It's for the better" I say. "What about your phone" I say. "I secretly bought a bock up phone when I go
got my phone" he says pulling the exact same kind of phone he had before out of his dresser. "And I have all my contacts in it" he says. "Cool really rebellious you have a back up phone" I say sarcastically. "With the same phone number" he says. "Let's go to bed" Luke says. "Okay" I say curling up on a bean bag. "Here"Luke says throwing a blanket at me. "Thanks,goodnight Luke" I say. "Goodnight Jade" he says lying down on his bed.
I stare at Ashton his heart monitor is flatlined. Jade stares at me. "Thanks for killing him Luke" she sobs. "I didn't do anything" I say. " I think you should be punished" Michael says behind me. "I turn around and see Michael holding a gun up to my head. "Don't shoot" I say. "I'm not going to he is" Michael says pointing to a transparent figure that looks like Ashton. Michael hands him the gun and I hear a Loud bang.
My eyes shoot open. Ugh it was just a dream. I look at the clock and see its 6AM. We have school today. I see Jade on her phone. "Did you get any sleep" I say. "A little but only about an hour" she says. "I slept but I had a weird dream" I say. "Oh tell me about it" she says. "I will later" I say. "Okay" she sighs. "Well it's the second day of school we better get ready" I say. "Oh crap I don't have any clothes here" she says. "Here just wear one of my t-shirts and you have leggings on anyway" I say. "Luke have you been crying" she says. "I must have been crying in my sleep" I say. "Okay" she says.

I'm not going to do authors notes any more unless I something really important to say 😛

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