Chapter 10

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2 weeks later
Dear Jade
you probably hate me but I just want to apologize.
If you don't accept me just because I used to be a different person
I don't know what I will do
I could do anything
But Jade you are such a kind person
I don't know what you've thought of me all these years but its probably
Something terrible
You forgave Luke
Why can't you forgive me
It's been two weeks since Ashton left the hospital
I haven't seen you since
I understand you are probably busy with school and stuff
But I just want to see you
I might sound desperate but I just need a little time to talk to you
If I could get to know you we could be friends
But I doubt that will happen
And I know if you're reading this
You are probably like oh Michael's lame
Because he wrote a note and not just sent a text
But if I write a letter it might be more sentimental
Now that I'm writing this I don't even know if I'm going to give This
To you anymore.
I could easily just tear this piece of paper full of my feelings up and throw it in the
I might just end up doing that
I feel like you don't understand why I bullied you
I guess I just never wanted anyone to be better than me
Even though you're always one thousand times better than me
I'm onto my 2nd piece of paper now writing this now
These two pages are nothing but my thoughts
I guess I can write when I'm not being forced to by a teacher
Writing this is easier than it seems
I just write down my thoughts on paper
I don't know if you'll ever receive this letter
This paper will probably end up in a dumpster somewhere
Before I even send it to you
I really hope we'll be friends someday
It might not be today
Or anytime soon
But I'm hoping one day me and you can
Share a conversation or two
This is seriously getting long and emotional
But I'm going to continue until I'm lost in my
You're just so wonderful
I don't know what Luke will think of this
Letter,but I don't care
I'm quite happy that Ashton has joined our band
Luke's a part of our band again too
Ashton's really talented
I don't understand why I'm writing this its just
So I don't know
I've probLy already said this one thousand times
In this letter
But you're beautiful and wonderful
There are just so many words to describe you
You've been so nice to everyone your whole life
And then I'm just there taking my anger out on you
I could apologize for so long but this letter is already nearly
3 pages long
I should wrap it up now but I can't
Actually I think I've given every apology I can give
Bye and please forgive me Jade
"Apology accepted" I whisper
Michael got a little emotional in this chapter
Also I know not my longest chapter
And if you didn't catch on to it
This is jades POV but she's reading a letter that Michael gave her
Jeez who knew Michael could be so poetic
This chapter was so much fun to write and IDK why

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