My Fiance 🤍

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Veer ishir Rajvansh

As soon as i heard about the news i rushed out of my building and hopped in car.

I drived  like insane to reach to Prartha, Saba called me and informed that guards are behind me.

I reached college and what i saw made me furious,burn in anger. I badly wanted to kill those people who crowded around prartha. A very violent thought for my taste but i couldn't care all i could was red as they were yelling at Prartha.

I drove through entrance, reached where people were there.The campus was fucking huge and i can't see prartha because of this goddamn people who are hell bent to destroy anyone's life just to fill their quest.

I stopped my car behind them and hopped out of car. As i came out i saw a lady picking up a stone and lifting her hand to throw forward.

A sudden rush panic raises in my veins without thinking for once,i just ran between those people by pushing them.As bodyguards also pushed them it made me easy to reach prartha.

I ran between people and reached Prartha, i saw her standing like statue, like she is not here,like she is zoned out and she is staring ground beneath her with lot thoughts running in her mind,while these people was shoving mics at her face,recording her and flashing camera at her face .

I ran and stood infront of her by facing her and giving my back to people.Stone hit my back harshly, what if i didn't stood between prartha and stone.That stone would have hit her head badly.Ohh god!! Just a thought of that had my blood boiling up.

I saw that prartha hasn't still noticed me at all so i shook her shoulder and called her "prartha!!". As if she finally came out of her trance she just lifted her eyes and looked at me.

What i saw in her eyes shook me to my core. It frightened me and i felt like i failed to protect her indeed i failed to protect her but seeing the pain in her eyes felt like dying.

My heart clenched, i fisted my palms in anger.Her eyes held so much pain and agony that felt like piercing my heart.

Seeing her in this state i realised that not everyone is happy,they are not living their best lifes without any worries haunting them. It's just that they know to hide their pain very well and keep happy face to the world.

Seeing prartha always happy,i thought that she doesn't have anything in her that she has to be worried but now seeing her in this state,i know that she is just trying her best to be happy.

Knowing that i am responsible for this state of her's & my anger reached it's peak. I turned to paparazzi's and other people as they saw me started their so called fucking questions.

I just gave them death glare and said them in my very calm and dangerous voice "if anything bad happens to my fiance i am gonna fucking sue you all, so you all better pray for luck". I  know i can't do this because they will really brush it off by saying it's their job but i can't let them go like that by messing up my Prartha's peace. I will haunt them till their last breath.

I turned to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and took her to my car. Bodyguards pushed the people away from us and Daiwik silently followed us. I opened car door to her and settled her inside car by buckling seat belt. I went to other side,started my car and took her to her home.

Daiwik ranged the door bell and  Akshara opened the door with a smile on her face and phone in hands but as soon as she saw pratha her smile faded away and her phone crashed on ground. She saw prartha with teary eyes and took her inside .

She left pratha in her room and came back. She stood infront of us with tears in her eyes and anger blooming through her face. She questioned us with anger" what happened yo Paaru akka?" I opened my mouth to say but soon she cut me off by showing her palm and telling me to stop.

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