"Do you know where Tione is?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm an information dealer she bought about what happened with Finn,"

"Oh, she should be in her room. Follow me,"

He led me into the house where most people were gone. Everyone was likely trying to find out who set up Finn.

He then led me to a room upstairs where you could hear loud sobs coming through.

"This is Lady Tione's room," The guard said without a hint of embarrassment

"Thank you,"

he then left and I knocked.

"F-Finn?" She asked from the other side of the door.

"Nope, unfortunately, I am not,"

"Then go away!"

"...I have a plan to get Finn out, but I need your help,"

The sobbing then stopped, and a few seconds later the door opened.

"...Who are you?"

"I am from the guild, one who works from the shadows to keep peace,"

"...Where's your badge?"

"I don't have it on me. If I did and I got caught I wouldn't exactly be secretive would I?"

"I suppose not. Come in,"

She let me into her room and dear god it was awful. Pictures were everywhere of Finn. 

"..." I was astonished. She may be more obsessed over Finn than Freya was with me. Then again, I had yet to see Freya's personal bedroom.

"So, what's this plan?"

"In order to save Finn, we need to have the problem, AKA golden flower gone. To do that, all we need to do is make it seem like she ran away. Or in other words, just kidnap her,"

"And if she ran it would make it seem like she was guilty...Holy crap! You're a genius! What's your name?"

"I am Prometheus, and please, the word genius hardly suits me,"

Truly, I was the foolish genius after all.

"So, when should we commence the operation? I imagine not during the day,"

"Yes, I will take over guard duty tonight, so break-in around midnight. That way it'll be a simple in-and-out mission. And make sure, that by no means you kill Golden Flower. If she is found dead then Finn will be found guilty regardless,"

"Ok...So 10 hours to wait...What should I do now? Are there any items or something I would need?"

Tione was acting like she was going along, but this was her way of verifying the information. If I hesitated for a moment while she asked these basic questions then no doubt she would knock me out and take me to the guild.

"Just something to cover your face, and knockout powder if you need that. Or you can knock her out yourself,"

"Oooooh trust me, I'll do it myself,"

"Like I said, please don't kill her,"

"Ok, So I'll go buy the items! Come with me!"

'So she won't let me out of her sight?'

I went with her and made sure to have her buy the highest quality cloak. The one we bought made the user invisible. It was the last one in stock...


I looked at the cloak. 

There were only two people who could have made this, Fels or Perseus. Fels would never sell this stuff to a random though, which would mean it was Perseus, and if Perseus was selling such an item...I glanced out the window, as I felt a glare, but no one was there.

'...' I'll have to deal with that afterward. I don't know if he is truly back yet or not but I couldn't ask her not to buy it now that I had pointed this out.

She quickly bought it and we went back to the Familia house.

"So, what time do you need to submit your request?"

"As soon as possible, but the shift starts at 8 PM and ends at 8 AM. So the sooner I leave the better,"

"Ok, go sign up now then. Then return here right away. I still want to confirm the details,"


I quickly left and went to the guild, where Eina was working at the receptionist counter. She seemed kinda down.

But my business wasn't with her. I went to the other Receptionist who was dozing off as she was standing.

"Hey, Misha,"

"Huh? Oh...Hello," She said through a yawn.

"I would like to sign up for guard duty tonight,"

"Hm?" She stared at me, but before she could ask for ID, I slid over the counter over 600,000 Vali's. 

She stared in amazement but after I told her she was drawing attention she stopped.

"W-Why would I accept such an obvious bribe?"

"I need to keep an eye on Golden Flower. She's my little sister and I don't feel safe with the possibility of the Loki familia launching an attack. Of course, I'm not asking to be alone, I just want to be here with her tonight,"

She pondered it for a moment, before answering.

"Can you fight if something were to happen?"

"Yes," I nodded

"Ok, may I get your name? And keep the money, If it's for family then no worries,"

I widened my eyes to make myself look surprised "Really?"

"Yes, I understand wanting to help family, I have a good friend here who also feels the same,"

"I see. Thank you," I then took the money back "My name is Sora, a pleasure,"

She then wrote my name on a sheet. 

"Ok, the shift starts at 8 PM. Please read the guidelines as well,"

"Yes. Thank you," I said with a bow as I left.

Now, it was time to get rid of the next person.

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