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To keep herself even more occupied and out of her own head, Nunie decides to tackle the challenge of building the crib to put in her room because what else better time to do it than the present? However, in the first twenty minutes of building, Nu...

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To keep herself even more occupied and out of her own head, Nunie decides to tackle the challenge of building the crib to put in her room because what else better time to do it than the present? However, in the first twenty minutes of building, Nunie has managed to stub her toe, hit her thumb with the hammer, and cry in frustration because one of the screws don't fit.

"Ve, ve, yo haré el resto (go, go, I'll do the rest)," her abuelito says with a sigh, entering her bedroom with a large box of tools and other items that Nunie can't make out through her tears. "Ay, mija, tengo que desmontarlo (I have to disassemble it)." Her abuelito determines just by looking at the failed construction of her son's crib. Nunie pouts, but slowly stands up, bracing herself on her knees as she moves. She pads out of her bedroom as her abuelito places his toolbox down, studying the crib.

Her abuelita is busy in the kitchen once more, speaking on FaceTime with some of their family members from back in Panama. Nunie can hear her arguing with one of her sisters about clothing being sent down to Panama later on this month, and Nunie assumes her closet will be raided eventually to assist her younger cousins back home.

She moves past the kitchen, taking her phone as she goes, and decides to knock on Kai's door. Nunie waits patiently, shuffling on her feet nervously, before the door finally swings open and it's Ddot, wearing a wife beater and some sweats, a gaming headset on his head. His mouth is stuffed with pizza—food as per usual—his left hand holding a pepperoni slice.

"Kai! Nunie's here!" Ddot calls over his shoulder, and Nunie can hear Kai squeal within the apartment. "Hey Nunie, haven't seen you in a minute, you good?" Ddot asks, finally swallowing his food. He gives Nunie a one-armed hug as she nods, letting her inside, and Nunie can see a figure sitting at the kitchen table off to the corner, eating their own slice of pizza. "Ma, Nunie's here." Ddot says as he closes the door. The woman looks up and Nunie recognizes her from the whole Crystal-Tiana fiasco at school, she smiles at Nunie, waving at her since her mouth is full, covering her chewing with her hand.

"Hi Nunie! I'm Toni, I've heard so much about you from Kai and Darrian, come, come, make yourself at home," Toni urges, waving Nunie inside, "do you want some pizza?"

Nunie isn't even hungry right now, but as she eyes the pizza, she begins craving it, and Toni barks for her son to grab Nunie a plate.

"A-ah, t-thank you so much," Nunie mumbles as Ddot shares her two slices.

"No worries! You're eating for two, and it would be rude if I didn't offer at the very least," Toni continues to smile, "I hope you've been doing well."

"T-thank you, Toni, I'm okay—a-and thank you for your gift, I r-really a-appreciate i-it," Nunie smiles weakly. She seems like a nice woman, but Nunie has learned to be cautious of almost everything—she has no idea what Toni may be saying behind her back and quite frankly, she doesn't want to know. It won't be good for her mental health either way. Yet all Nunie can see as she looks at Toni is Ddot and Kai—two of the closest friends Nunie has, and she wants to drop her guard—lower it a little, but everything circles back to Jay's mother and Nunie's mood sours a little.

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