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When Sunday finally rolls around, Nunie is up early in the morning simply because she's nervous as fuck

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When Sunday finally rolls around, Nunie is up early in the morning simply because she's nervous as fuck. She's nervous to hang out with Jay because—well, it's Jay, and she feels like there's still some awkwardness and tension between them that she desperately wants to break. She starts her day early, tidying up her room, making her bed, deciding to throw in a load of laundry downstairs. She's up so early in fact that she's already sitting in the living room before her abuelito who raises an eyebrow at her.

"¿Por qué estás despierta tan temprano (why are you awake so early)?" He asks her, settling onto the couch beside her. It's a valid question, Nunie is almost never awake early whenever she has a day off. She usually tries to catch up on as much sleep as possible before looming deadlines of tests and assignments creep back up on her or work calls her in because someone called out.

"Voy a salir hoy (I'm going out today)," Nunie sighs, head resting against the back of the couch, "shopping for the baby." She says quietly.

"Vas solo (you're going alone)?" Her abuelito furrows his eyebrows.

"No, no, um—I'm going with a friend, he, uh—offered to take me today, and I just decided I might as well go and start looking at stuff—like a crib, a stroller, maybe a changing table. I have a bit of space in my room right now that I can work with." Nunie muses.

"Deberíamos quitar las puertas de su armario para agregar más espacio (we should take off your closet doors to add more space)," her abuelito nods to himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Nunie mumbles.

"You're going where?" Her abuelita chimes in, walking into the living room. She's been up early just like Nunie but Nunie hasn't had the opportunity to speak to her because her abuelita in the mornings is just a woman on a mission—already cooking and cleaning, prepping for the day.

"To the mall with a friend—shopping for the baby." Nunie repeats herself.

"Oh, Kai?"

"No, she's working today, so I might see her there," Nunie shrugs. Kai had gotten a job at Urban Planet a week and a half ago—she needed money to take care of Koda who seemed to be growing bigger by the day.

"So, who are you going with?" Her abuelita asks.

"Um, Jay—you know those brothers from the other day? He's the oldest one out of the three."

"One of Crimsley's sons, Maria." her abuelito says.

"Ah, yeah, I remember," her abuelita nods her head, "he seems like a nice boy to be taking you shopping. Your abuelito refused to ever go shopping with me." She says pointedly, staring at her husband with the blankest stare.

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