1. An ultimatum

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I have been alone, since I can remember. For me it to go out and socialise is one of the hardest thing to do in my life and body contact is out of the question, even the jobcentre was losing their patients with me. They gave me an ultimatum, either I take the next job or I won't get any more support.

I should have known that this day would come eventually.

The job was cleaning an estate for three months; the jobcentre took care of it for me to start there tomorrow morning. It was my last chance to make a change of my life, as I packed my bag for my stay at the place. I received the job description at the job centre, it doesn't say much though. Just they need a cleaner to take care of the mansion; he or she will stay for the few days to get into the job properly and the wage I get. I was glad to see that I don't have to work with people... this might be my chance!

The next morning I woke up very early to get ready, as I will be picked up by someone from the mansion soon. I made sure that everything was packed, even my books. I never go out with a book so it's important to me to have them with me at all times. In this case, I took some books based on romance novels. I think I forgot to mention that I am a hopeless romantic and also a fanatic for the supernatural. With my bags I went to the car that has stopped in front of my apartment, inside was an old man with a short ponytail and in a fancy suit. He introduced himself as Walter, the butler of the Hellsing Estate and he is responsible of my training for the next few days. The ride was quiet though, no one spoke a word and I didn't even know what to say...I was too shy to ask anyway.

At the estate, he opened the door of the car and directed me towards my 'new' bedroom. He said that Integra, the leader of the Organisation, will pay me a visit in the late afternoon, so I should settle in for the time being. I inspected the room once Walter was gone; it was huge with long windows letting in the sunlight. It brightens up the room in several colours it was really beautiful and even more surprising that it's my room for a while. I couldn't hold back my happiness, as I screamed into the pillow till I was out of breath. I cannot believe my look, it was really happening. Till the afternoon I spend the time reading a romantic novel between a woman and a vampire. I was completely focused on the story that I didn't hear the door open, the slam however made me jump. I turned around to a young woman in green suit, long blonde hair and round glasses. She greeted me before getting right to the point. For an hour she informed me about my stay, my job and rules I have to follow at all cost. I have to keep my room clean; my job is simply cleaning the mansion from top to bottom, except a few rooms, which are off limits for me, especially the basement. I understood what I had to do; however, as I had enough courage to ask her about the rules, she ignored it and told me to start my job tonight.

Once done, she left without another word. My uniform was already brought by Walter as well as my cleaning supplies. Walter gave me a tour around the mansion, showing me the forbidden areas and also the places that require cleaning before getting started.

I began at the entrance of the Estate, with a broom I brushed of the dirt of the floor. Nothing but the sound of the brushing could be heard, it was extremely silent. Next was the mop, getting rid of the dust. But as I turned around I jumped back and fell on my bottom, the figure in front of me chuckled before kneeling down, reaching out his hand. In fear I refused to take it, instead, I got up myself and mumbled at him that I was fine. He on the other hand, didn't believe me as he took my hand by force. Out of an instinct, I dropped the mop and tried to get my hand out of his grasp. The longer he was holding me the more worried I got...as a last resort I bite his arm, in hope he lets go in pain. All has done was laughing like a maniac before releasing me. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, towards my room, I closed the door and hide underneath bedcovers shaking violently. The contact came out of the blue and scared me horribly. I went back to the hall an hour later, getting back to my job. In fear I watched my surrounding of the stranger. I jumped at every sound, no matter from where it came from. A few soldiers passed me and also a woman with blond hair. They all greeted me with a smile as they disappeared behind one of the forbidden rooms. I returned the greeting before watching the area again.

The next was a storage room, with several boxes placed in shelves. I had to get them out to dust them off. But sometimes it felt like something was touching my ponytail, when I turn my head it was gone. It happened a few more times, till Walter came in, asking about my well-being. I told him that I had a problem with someone at the hall, I described him in detail. He is tall, a red coat, black hair, white gloves, riding boots, and red eyes. Walter know exactly who I meant, as he began to chuckle. He even asked me if he was behaving himself, my only reply was to say, that he isn't someone I want to see again all too soon. I couldn't hold myself back to comment of how he isn't my type, which Walter had to laugh at. However as the butler left the room, a huge slam hit my bottom hard, it felt like a huge hand. Fear came back, I ran out again only to realize the door has been locked. I was sure that Walter hasn't closed the door, so why is it locked now?

I banged on to the door, screamed out for help, till a hands grabbed onto my wrists. I recognized the gloves and looked up, only to look directly into those red eyes of his.

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