Chapter 38: Things aren't Right

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Wanted to mention real quick that I changed the chief's name from Drake to Aegir


I glanced at Cira then back at Ravi, she seemed relaxed now but it was like she wasn't really there. Ravi was standing still with little movements, her pupils were thin and she stared at me. It made me uneasy seeing her like this. 

Navjeev and Zyran seemed like they wanted to check on her but I had to stop them both. If the dragons on this Island acted like this because of the mixture then our dragons needed to act like it too. Them showing concern for Ravi would be suspicious and then I would need to give them the mixture too. 

Viggo gave me a subtle concerned glance and put a hand on my back. He ushered me towards Cira so she could take us to Aegir. 

"It will wear off, it's alright" He whispered to me in a reassuring tone then I nodded and relaxed a bit. He was right, it would wear off, freaking out over this would just make us look suspicious.

 I gestured for our dragons to follow and Ravi came over to us without any hesitation, the other two followed with their heads lowered and their eyes on Ravi with a look of concern. 

"Don't say anything stupid and he might let you two stay for the festival" Cira said sternly and led us over to the large house, her Razorwhip following beside her. 

"Noted" Viggo answered and continued to usher me forward with him. 

We got to the house and Cira knocked on the door and there was a 'Come in' soon after. Cira opened the door and stepped aside to let us in. Our dragons waited outside with Cira while we went inside. The inside of the house was fairly dark and I could see a man at sitting at a desk. Now that I was in the house I could see more of what hung on the walls. There was a few banisters with their crest on it and there was a few pelts hanging on the wall. 

A man sat at a desk, he looked like he would be tall and he had a short beard with long-ish brown hair.  He wore a lot of armor and fur, the armor however looked like it was made of dragons scales. The Falcon Fury sat in the corner of the room, it looked mature and had a bunch little scars all over it's body.  This Falcon Fury was definitely bigger than Momma V.  

"I hope you two have been enjoying your stay. Viggo and (Y/n), right?" He asked. He leaned back in his chair and looked between us. 

"That's correct" Viggo answered and studied the room and the man subtly. "We are grateful you have allowed us to stay here." 

"Of course, we are hospitable people." Aegir smiled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk as he now turned his attention to me. His smile looked forced and something about it made me feel uneasy. "I hear you have a Falcon Fury, I'm sure you can see that I have my own as well."

He gestured over to the Falcon Fury and slightly tilted his head, "Where did you find yours?"

"On a ship" I said, not explaining more. 

He nodded slowly and looked to be deep in thought for a moment, "Where was this ship?"

"It was a long time ago, I don't remember" I lied with a shrugged. He glanced at his Falcon Fury then back at me. 

"Hm, just wondering. They are a rare species after all. My dragon won't show me where his nest is, I'll let him off the solution so he'll fly home and lead me to it, but he won't. I'm starting to think we have the last two. Is yours a female?"  

"No, he's not" I crossed my arms and shook my head. 

"I do have a question. How long are you allowing us to stay?" Viggo then asked to change the conversation. He must have noticed how uneasy I was. 

"As long as you need to." Aegir smiled and leaned back in his chair again. "Your dragon is interesting as well. Will you both consider participating in the events?"

"We'll see" Viggo replied politely then glanced at me. 

"Well, it was nice to officially meet you both. I hope you stay and enjoy our festival." He dipped his head and gestured for us to leave without another word. 

We left the house and felt and immediate wave of relief. Our dragons sat outside, Ravi stood and her head snapped to me right away. They way she looked at me made me feel unnerved, its like she wasn't there at all. 

"I'm guessing everything went well?" Cira asked and Eris came over as well. 

"It did, he's allowing us to stay for as long as we need." Viggo explained. 

"Hey, the festival is starting today. We are having a little party tonight and tomorrow starts the events" Eris chimed in and smiled, "Just so you know."


"C'mon, Ravi... I'm sorry, there was no other choice." I said softly to the Speedstinger who was currently hiding underneath the table of the little cabin we were given. I crouched down next to the table and tried to coax her out with a fish, but she wouldn't take it. 

"I swear it's just a fish, Ravi..."

The crap I gave her had worn off after about six hours. She had been following me blindly most of the day but now that it wore off, she had been skittish and timid around me. Thankfully we were back in the cabin, so we get ready for the festival they had been talking about when it wore off. Anywhere else and I think she would have run off; I feel bad keeping her trapped in the cabin though. 

"It really took a toll on her. Give her some time and she'll be fine." Viggo assured though it didn't do much to calm me down. 

I had never seen her like this. She could be hyper and playful; very rarely would she be aggressive, but I've never seen her scared like this. 

I looked at him from over my shoulder. He had trimmed his beard a bit and cleaned himself up for this festival we were going to. when going on this adventure we never expected to be going to any events like this, so we didn't have the fanciest of clothing but hopefully they wouldn't care too much about it. 

"You're probably right..." I sighed then stood up again. 

I heard Ravi chitter quietly from under the table as if she was relieved I was leaving her alone now. Hopefully she will be less skittish when we get back. 


Words: 1131

I'm so sorry about the long wait. I swear I'm going to try and get back into things so chapters don't take that long again. Thank you all for being so patient. 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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