Chapter 7: Back on the Edge

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You sat in the cave with Navjeev the whole night while listening to the screaming and shouting from the hunters. There was loads booming and shattering noises most of the night. It had finally started dying down as it neared dawn. The effects on Navjeev from the dragon-root seemed like it was wearing off and he stopped whimpering. You stayed up making sure nothing changed with Navjeev. He was crying for some time, but he had stopped. It hurt you to hear your dragon in pain from the dragon-root, but there was nothing you could really do besides comfort him since you couldn't leave the cave. 

Navjeev layed his head on your lap and you stroked the scales on his head. He lightly purred from your touch and it seemed that the dragon-root wasn't bothering him anymore which was a good sign. It was dead silent when you started hearing wing beats. Navjeev lifted his head from your lap and perked his ears at the sound. He let out a growl and you could see a silhouette of a dragon through the lights of the sun. It landed in the cave and squawked. A rider slide off of the dragon's back and walked toward you. 

"Astrid!" You jumped up off the ground and embraced her in a hug. 

"(Y/N), there you are! Are you okay?  What happened here?" She pulled back and examined you. 

"I'm fine" You smiled for a second before continuing,"But Navjeev got nicked by a dragon-root arrow and I'm not entirely sure if it's worn off." You turned to Navjeev. He cooed and went to stand up. He stumbled a bit, but stood. Astrid went up to him and examined his wing where the cut was. 

"I'm surprised it's worn off this quickly without the cure. Normally it would take a bit longer." She explained. Stormfly came up to Navjeev and squawked then started wagging her tail. Navjeev got into a playful stance before running around the cave followed by Stormfly.  

"Where are the others?" You changed the subject. The dragons chased each other around the cave in the background. 

"They are patrolling the island trying to find anyone that can tell us what happened." Astrid put her hands on her hips. "So, what happened here?" She asked concerned.

"I'll tell you when we meet up with the others so I don't have to explain it more than once, which I probably will have to anyways, because of Snotlout." Astrid nodded and mounted Stormfly then waited for you. Navjeev came up beside you and nudged your hand. 

"Think you can fly, bud?" Navjeev cooed and lowered his head for you to get on. You mounted and Stormfly flew out of the cave. 

"Take it easy, okay?" You told him. He jumped out of the cave and slowly glided after Stormfly.

 Along the way you noticed how damaged the base was. Broken ships and not a hunter in sight. You followed Stormfly down to Viggo's tent with the others. Navjeev landed more sloppy than usually, but that was understandable. You saw Hiccup and immediately ran up to him and gave him a hug. 

"Thor, what took you so long?" Was the first thing you said. Hiccup scratched the back of his head ashamed. 

"Really sorry, I wanted to make sure the plan was fool-proof before putting it into action. It was risky waiting so long, I know, but I knew you could handle yourself." Hiccup explained himself. Your father came out of no where and embraced you in a bone-crushing hug. 

"Yup. Hi dad. Missed you too." You managed breath out. 

"Did they hurt you? I swear, I'm going to ring their necks if they-" 

"Dad, I'm fine." You reassured him.  

"Uh, Hiccup. The tent?" Snotlout pointed toward Viggo's tent. "You going to check it out or..?" 

"Oh, yes." Hiccup entered the tent and you followed behind him along with Toothless. The whole tent was a mess, everything was scattered and on the floor. Hiccup narrowed his eyes and kicked the table in the center of the tent over. 

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