Chapter 17: Stolen

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The morning sun stretched across the sky as you finally made it back to The Edge. You knew you needed to tell Hiccup about Johann, but all you knew was that you couldn't trust him. What were you suppose to tell him? 'Oh, yeah, Viggo told me that we can't trust Johann so lets just hunt him down and put his head on a stick!' 

No, Hiccup was going to want evidence. Of course, you could always lie and say you saw him working with hunters and what not (assuming he was working with the hunters), but you don't want to lie to him. You could always just tell him about Viggo, but did you want to do that? No, not really. The Riders hate Viggo with a burning passion so they wouldn't believe him and assume he was lying and think it was part of his plan. You just hope that isn't the case. After everything that has happened you think you can trust him. The most you could do at this point was spy on Johann until you get some solid proof or until you could talk with Viggo again.

Landing on the platform that leads to your hut, you jump off Navjeev... seeing that your hut door was left open? You peak into your hut seeing that it is still a bit of a mess, because of the Terror. Odd, you must have forgotten to close it. You close the hut door and begin to make your way over to Hiccup's hut, Navjeev right on your heels, to see what he had planned for the day. Maybe you would have enough time to figure out what Johann was up to.  

You stand at the entrance to his hut and see him tinkering with something, his back towards you. Lightly, you knock on the wood part of the hut and Hiccup turns his attention to you with a bright smile on his face. 

"(Y/n), you never told me you had a lens!" He held up your lens with a smile still present. You quickly snatch it out of his hands and stuff it into Navjeev's saddle bag. 

"What were you doing in my hut in the first place?" You crossed your arms and looked at him. 

"Oh, it wasn't me. Fishlegs went to go wake you up, but when you didn't answer he went to check on you and saw the lens on your desk then brought it to me right away! Where did you find it? And why didn't you tell me about it?" 

"You didn't look to see what was on it did you?" you dismissed all his other questions. 

"No, I was just about to." He answered, slightly confused to why you asked. 

"Please, don't look at it yet."

"Okay..." He was still confused to your request, but didn't press on. "Also, I need you to go with Snotlout to the Northern Markets to get some chicken feed." 

"Can't he do that by himself?" 

"Probably, but it's the Northern Markets. You never know what's going to happen there." 

Just as he said that, you heard Snotlout screaming and the twins laughing their asses off. You looked out of Hiccup's hut to see Snotlout covered in strawberries, with one stuck to the horn of his helmet. You tried to hold it back, but started bursting out laughing, leaning on Navjeev so you wouldn't fall over. 

"Shut up, (Y/n)!" Snotlout shouted at you, clearly annoyed. You just continued to laugh at him, this was way to funny. 


Flying to the Northern Markets with Snotlout blabbering the whole way there, fun. First he was talking to you, then Hookfang, then you couldn't tell who he was talking to so you just started ignoring him at that point. 

Since there weren't suppose to be any hunters at the markets anymore both Hookfang and Navjeev stayed closely behind you as you went looking for chicken feed. The market wasn't too crowded at the moment, thankfully. You followed Snotlout over to a chicken feed stand with barrels full of feed with an array of colors. You glanced around at a few of the stands while Snotlout tasted some of the feed, kind of weird, but okay. You got bored and decided to walk around a bit and look at what they had to sell. There was weapons, jewelry, food, gems, lots of stuff. 

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