Chapter 9: Not so Dead After All

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It's been a day or so since Viggo's death. You didn't understand why it was bothering you so much. No one else seemed bothered by his death, maybe it did bother them, maybe they were just trying to ignore it? Maybe you should-


"huh, yeah?" You looked up from your plate of food and at the others. Everyone was at the table eating in the Clubhouse until they shifted their attention to you.

"You're picking at your food. Are you okay?" Hiccup asked sounding a bit concerned. 

"Oh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You nervously laughed while getting up from the table to leave.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" Astrid started getting up from the table to follow you.

"I'm fine, really. I'm just going to go for a quick fly." You urged Astrid to stay and practically ran out of the Clubhouse and jumped on Navjeev. 

He flew smoothly though the clear night sky. The gentle breeze was brushing against your face and through your hair. It was peaceful to say the least. Flying was one of the only things that could truly help you relax. You leaned back and layed against Navjeev's back as he flew. You watched the stars and started getting lost in thought again as usual. Maybe you could just leave again and continue your search. Maybe that lens you had could help you this time. Oh, wait. The Dragon Eye was gone so that was out of the question. You didn't need the lens anyways, you could just do what you have been doing. But did you really want to leave Hiccup again after you just returned though? He would be devastated, but you didn't want to deal with this anymore. They didn't need you there anymore since Viggo was gone anyways.  Ugh, why was decision making so hard?

Navjeev came to a sudden stop and you sat up just in time to see a figure run towards the tree line. You narrowed your eyes and urged Navjeev to follow after them. He landed on an edge that met the tree line where the figure disappeared. Navjeev sniffed the air as you dismounted. He seemed uneasy, but didn't get ready to attack like he usually did. You scanned the tree line for any movement, but saw nothing. 

"You better come out before I send my dragon in after you. If he does, your not going to like the outcome." You hoped your threat would be enough to send them out. Navjeev growled to add to the affect. You grabbed the hilt of your sword and stepped closer to the tree line, Navjeev followed.

Soon a silhouette emerged from the trees. Navjeev slowly moved closer to the figure while you stayed back to see what he would do. You squinted your eyes to see who it was, but you still couldn't tell. Navjeev must have knew who is was, because he jumped on them and cooed. The figure grunted and struggled under the dragon.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, off, please!" They pushed Navjeev off. He cooed again before bouncing over to you. The person sounded a lot like...

"Viggo?.." you stepped closer to him. He stood up and that's when you got a better look at him. There was a bright red burn on the side of his face. It looked slightly swelled and his left eye was closed due to the burn. Parts of his hair and beard were singed along with his brow. You placed your hand on the other side of his face. He moved away, but then leaned into your touch. You stared at the burn on his face before furrowing your brows. 

"C'mon." You grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards Navjeev. He stumbled a bit from the quick movement, but followed. You mounted Navjeev and Viggo got on behind you. Navjeev slowly took off into the sky. 

"Where are we going exactly?" Viggo finally spoke. 

"Back to my hut." You said firmly. There was a slight pause. 

"I don't think I'm in the best condition to being doing that sort of thing, (Y/n)." Viggo leaned closer and whispered in your ear. You couldn't tell, but he was probably smirking. Your face when bright red, and you jabbed him in the ribs with your elbow. He immediately grunted and leaned back. 

"I'm going to push you off the dragon." You said sternly which earned a chuckle from Viggo. 

Navjeev landed at your hut and you jumped off him and went inside. Viggo followed a bit more slowly. You started looking around your hut for something Fishlegs gave you. Viggo looked around your hut and stopped to watch you.

"Sit." You pointed at a chair and continued looking. Viggo reluctantly sat in the chair and watched you run around your hut.

 You checked a drawer and pulled out a book. It was a herbal book Fishlegs gave to you for your birthday a few years earlier. Supposedly, Gothi helped make it around when dragons and Vikings became allies. You flipped through the pages until you found something that would help heal a burn. You got the information you need and closed the book to get the materials. Everything was pretty easy to find besides the Prickleboggle saliva.

"Stay here. I will be right back." You left the hut and mounted Navjeev to gather the materials. 

You returned an hour later with everything you needed. It was still fairly dark out when you got back. You may or may not have 'borrowed' everything from Fishlegs. Luckily he had everything you needed. You entered your hut and saw Viggo walking around looking at everything.

"What are you doing?" You grabbed the materials from your saddlebag and placed it on the desk. 

"Keeping myself occupied while you were gone." 

"Ha, ha. Don't snoop around my hut." He put his hands up in surrender and sat back in the chair.

 You grabbed a mortar and put the herbs and saliva inside then grabbed a pestle to grind it up. It soon became a thick liquid which is exactly how it needed to be. You placed it on a table next to Viggo's chair then went to find a cloth. You did find a cloth and came back to Viggo. You sat in a chair next to his and dipped the cloth in the liquid. He looked at it suspiciously, but didn't say anything. You grabbed his chin to minimize any movement to make it easier for you. As soon as the cloth touched the burn he hissed in pain and grabbed your wrist. 

"Sorry, should have mentioned that." You said softly. 

"Would have been nice to know at least." He let go of your wrist. 

"Ready this time?" He nodded and you went back to work. You applied the ointment to the burn, he shifted uncomfortably, but didn't say anymore. 

"There, done" You put the cloth down.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

"Your welcome." You stood up and started putting things away. "I need to grab one more thing, stay here." Viggo nodded and you left the hut. 

You came back with a few fish for Navjeev. Navjeev waited at his bed for his fish since he could already smell them. You entered the hut and saw that Viggo seemed to be sleeping, his breathing was slow and his head was against the back of the chair. You walked past him as quietly as you could and gave the fish to Navjeev before crawling into your bed. You took a deep breath and fell asleep.


Words: 1241

I am going to be busy this week so chapters might be a bit slow. I should have another chapter out by the end of the week, if not sooner. 

That's a Bit of a Personal Question .|Viggo x Reader|.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora