Chapter 30: Recovery and Truth

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It was dark for what seemed like the longest time. It was comforting, I almost didn't want to leave. All I remember is passing out after I had lost a lot of blood then bits and pieces of the fight. I don't know how long I had just been laying in bed, maybe days or weeks. I could feel the pain in my side, I don't want to leave the bed at this point, just stare at the darkness behind my eyelids. But I guess I have to get up at some time.

I opened my eyes and was met with a warm, bright light. My eyes slightly burned from the sun shining in them. I blinked a few times and looked around, I was in Gothi's hut. I felt something laying by my side and saw the golden yellow scales of Ravi's form beside me. Looking around a little more I noticed Navjeev curled up beside the bed. His ears perked when he heard me shifting around. 

I pushed myself up and clutched my side as a wave of pain ran through my side. It wasn't as bad as before but it still hurt. I looked down and I was wearing loose fitting, comfortable clothes. I could feel the bandages wrapped around my torso through the fabric of the shirt. My movements woke Ravi up so she jumped into my lap and chirped at me excitedly. 

Navjeev's pupils dilated as he cooed and licked my hand. He pranced around the room before returning to me and licked my face with a happy coo. I wiped the slobber from my face, still gross but I loved him. I pet both of them and Navjeev laid his head on the edge of the bed, Ravi sitting contently on my lap with her eyes half closed, enjoying the attention.

Wingbeats neared the hut followed by a thud as the dragon landed. Ravi and Navjeev turned their attention to the entrance of the hut. Navjeev perked his ears and got up to investigate as I heard footsteps. Viggo's eyes widen when he saw me awake and I swear it looked like he was going to start crying. He ran over and crouched down by the bed, engulfing me in a hug. It hurt my side a little when he did so but I didn't care at the moment and hugged him back tightly.

Ravi had to jump off the bed then follow after Navjeev who was playing with Zyran. Viggo let go then tilted my head up, giving me a passionate kiss. He pulled away and we were both smiling like idiots.

"I thought I was going to lose you." He said, holding the side of my face with one hand.

"I'm not going anywhere," I smiled. "Plus, this was payback for when you decided to get shot with a bunch of arrows then nearly dying."

"I'm just grateful you're alright." He laughed a bit, bringing his forehead to mine. 

We both turned to the buzzing of wings as Gothi got off her Gronkle after she landed. She smiled when she saw me and went to examining me right away. After a moment, she tapped Viggo on the arm with her staff, telling him to leave so she could work with me. He lingered for a moment before getting up and backing away from the bed. 

"I will be back later to visit you." He said taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. Gothi whacked him on one of his legs with her staff and I had to suppress a laugh.   

"Alright, I'm leaving." He slightly glared at her and she raised her staff, threatening to hit him again. He huffed before leaving with Zyran. 

Gothi spent the next hour or so examining me and giving me medicines before going to take care of the others that needed her help. My dragons disappeared to who knows where. Astrid came by and she hugged me right away, we talked a little bit and apparently I was out for a week and a half. Everyone was moved back to Berk and they made sure to grab my things, so I was moved back into my old room. She left soon after to let Hiccup know I was awake. 

Ravi ended up coming back after Astrid left. She jumped into my lap and curled up, wanting to be pet so I did just that. I heard quick wingbeats then saw Hiccup jump off of Toothless. He smiled brightly when he saw me and gave me a tight hug. 

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