Chapter 6: Flight

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Its now been five days since you were caught. Hiccup was taking his sweet time with saving you. No one has really talked to you since a few days ago with Viggo. You also noticed dead birds started appearing by your cage. The hunters must stink so much the birds are dying. 

Night had just began to set as you went to the corner of the cage for the night. A rotten smell filled your nose. You looked around and ,once again, saw a dead bird. You sighed, getting up and grabbing a stick by your cage. You stuck your arm through the bars of the cage to flick the bird away with the stick when you saw something glistening by it. It was a hair clip, you could use that to escape! 

You used the stick to scoot the clip closer to you until you could grab it. You bent the clip until it was straight enough to where you could use it. You reached your arm out of the cage and began picking the lock. There was a click and you were able to gently push the cage door open. Yes! Now you just needed to find a dragon so you could fly out of here. 

You walked out into the woods, grabbing your sword along the way. The forest was quiet and calm, but you had a feeling you were being watched. 

"I knew you would escape one of theses days, my dear." You whipped around to see Viggo standing in the distance. 

"How long were you waiting out here for me to escape?" You questioned. 

"Doesn't matter. You will not be leaving this island that easily." 

"Wanna bet?" You challenged. In a flash, something leapt out of the bushes and landed on Viggo. It let out a fearsome roar and a glow emitted from its mouth as it prepared to fire. Viggo grabbed the hilt of his sword, ready to attack the dragon. 

"Navi, no!" You shouted. The dragon stopped and turned to you. He came running over to you and curled his tail around you in a protective manner followed by a growl. Viggo stood up quickly, still holding onto his sword. You looked from Navjeev to Viggo. This is my chance to change his mind about dragons. If I change his mind the hunters might follow. 

"Let me see your hand." 

"Pardon?" Viggo looked at you. 

"I said, let me see your hand. And drop the sword, your making Navjeev uncomfortable." 

Viggo thought for a moment before slowly putting the sword on the ground. He knelt down beside you and Navjeev let out a low growl.  You took his hand and held it in front of Navjeev. 

"Let him come to you." 

Navjeev eyed Viggo suspiciously before looking at you. You nodded and he hesitantly moved closer to Viggo. He sniffed Viggo's hand before placing his nose in the palm of his hand. Viggo stared at the dragon in amazement. 

"Have you ever flown before?" 

"Can't say that I have" Viggo removed his hand from the dragon's nose. 

"Wanna try?" You smiled. You stood and hopped on Navjeev then held a hand out to Viggo. 

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to decline your offer." He shook his head. 

"And I would appreciate it if you went back to the cage." He continued. 

You could have flown off right then and there. You could have took off and went home. But something was holding you back. Something was keeping you here. You had a feeling you couldn't leave this island just yet. 

"On one condition, you don't tell your little hunter buddies about Navjeev."

"Deal." He offered his hand out to help you off the dragon. You took his hand and dismounted. You knelt down in front of Navjeev and pecked his nose then sent him away. You started walking back to the cage, followed by Viggo. Why am I still here? I could have just left. This is stupid. I am stupid for doing this. 

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