Chapter 20: Retrieval pt. 1

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The lens. 

You forgot the lens. 

The dragon hunters had your lens. The weird lens that you've had for a good 5 months now and that you've never had a chance to look at. They might use it with the Dragon Eye and find something to use against the Riders. Well, since its different it might not work with that Dragon Eye? Better to be safe than sorry, you gotta get it back. 

You sat in the Clubhouse watching as Hiccup was talking about his new Dragon Eye with the rest of the Riders. You weren't really paying to much attention, you were mostly trying to find the perfect time to get away to get the lens. Probably not the best idea to go into hunter territory on your own but you weren't one for plans, suppose you got that from your father. 


Fishlegs and Meatlug came flying into the Clubhouse, coming straight at you. Quickly, you rolled out of the way as you felt a gust of wind blow over you. 

"If you were trying to kill me then I think you need to try a little harder, you missed. Otherwise I think you need to learn how to properly fly a dragon!" You snapped and sent a glare towards Fishlegs as you stood and folded your arms. He thickly swallowed and awkwardly chuckled. 

"Uhh, what was it you needed Fishlegs?" Hiccup broke the silence. 

"Oh! You will never believe what I found in Oswald's papers! I was in my hut, preparing my lesson plan for the Dragon Explorers campout-" 

"Dragon Explorers? Here? Soon? Great. A bunch of kids invading the island." Snotlout groaned. "Ugh, I'm starting to miss those Changewings." 

Ew, kids. You weren't a kid person much either. Whelp, its a good day to leave the island since there are going to be kids here! Yippy! 

Fishlegs continued to blabber on about the kids then Oswald's papers and something about his ancestors being Dragon Hunters. Boohoo, all Berk's ancestors were Dragon Hunters, he didn't really need to make a big deal about it. You weren't Dragon Hunters anymore and that's all that mattered. 

He then showed Hiccup some of Oswald's papers. You managed to get a peek at what was on the page. The drawing of the dragon made your stomach churn and you didn't know why. They said the dragon was a Dramillion, you don't remember seeing the dragon but something about it seemed oddly familiar. 

You decided to leave the Clubhouse at that moment to spend some time training with Navjeev. Astrid joined you later and the two of you mostly joked around until night fall. The next morning you went back into the Clubhouse and now Fishlegs wanted to go to Dramillion island. Listen, you were always one for saving dragons but you wanted to stay far away from THAT dragon. Something just didn't feel right about that one. 

"Gronkle badge, as if that was a thing." Tuff chuckled while looking at a list. You peeked a brow and walked over to the twins. 

"Lemme see that." You snatched the list out of Tuff's hands and looked down the list. Gronkle badge, Night Fury Badge, Falcon Fury Badge- 


"Oh, C'mon! Falcons Furies deserve better than third best on your stupid rankings!" 

Night had come and you decided now was a good time to leave to get the lens since the kids where going to be there tomorrow anyways. With a sword at your hip and a hood and mask to cover your features, you were ready to go. Silently, you hopped onto Navjeev's back and gave his neck a gently pat. He cooed and you urged him to fly. With powerful wings he took off into the night sky. 

You noticed the buzzing of Gronkle wings and saw Fishlegs flying away from the Edge. He is learning the ways of the rebel, good lad. He learned it from the best, you, of course. 

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