Chapter 23: Four Arrows

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 You flew swiftly towards the Hunter's island with the Skrill following behind. You couldn't help but feel tense about everything that was happening. Your part in the plan was simple enough. Sneak in without being noticed, wait in a specific room then wait for Hiccup. You were mostly just backup in case something happened and they needed an extra hand. Viggo and Hiccup's part of the plan required them to go together so Viggo had to ride with Hiccup. 

You started straying away from the other two as you flew closer to the island and glided closer to the water as to hopefully not be seen. Navjeev glided along side the island, staying out of sight. You heard booms and lightning crashes, your signal to start moving. 

Navjeev landed on the secluded part of the island that was mostly covered by trees. You jumped off Navjeev and start searching, Viggo said that there was an old entrance covered by rocks, but there was one part that you might be able to squeeze into. 

You looked around and after a moment of searching you found it. Sure enough, there was a tower of rocks piled up against the mountain. There was a small break through the rocks you could fit through, but Navjeev wouldn't. You shuffled some lose rocks around to make it easier for you to climb through, but it still didn't create enough room for Navjeev. Carefully, you climbed through and took a look around. There wasn't much down the tunnel other than a few torches lighting the way and a storage room to the left. 

Navjeev shoved his head and part of his arm through the hole you climbed through, but that was about all he could do. He cooed and looked at you with dilated pupils. 

"It's okay, bud, I'll be fine. Just stay hidden and don't get caught." You ran a hand over his head to soothe him. You pushed his head back through the opening and gave him a reassuring look before going down the hall. 

It became apparent no one really came down that hall very much but the further you went the more shouting you heard. Every room you passed you would take a peek into, but it was mostly storage. It was like a maze in there, lots of tunnels that you had to pick and choose which to go down. 

Running footsteps were heard ahead of where you were going. You quickly ducked into the nearest room and waited for them to pass. A few moments later you peeked around the corner. As soon as you did you were met face to face with a hunter. His eyes widened when he saw you and he immediately brought up his cross-bow and aimed it at you. You ducked back into the storage room and heard an arrow ricochet off the stone wall. The hunter crept into the room as you hid behind a few boxes. He looked around the room with his cross-bow pointing at everything but with his back towards you. Taking silent steps, you crept out from behind the boxes and as he turned around you socked him across the face. The man fell down and you dragged him behind some boxes. 

You picked up the pace and looked around for the right room, staying out of sight. You heard another boom in the distance, Hiccup's signal to free himself, you had to get moving. You found a room with a chest on a stone pedestal with boxes and weapons around the room. This looked like the right room. The chest seemed interesting though. 

You stayed close to the wall as you entered the room. It looked like a normal wooden chest, nothing out of the ordinary with it. You checked it for any traps which it seemed to have none, odd. You heard running behind not to far way, you whipped around and saw Hiccup and Toothless standing at the entrance of the room. He walked in and stepped on a pressure plate. Arrows started flying at him from every direction. He hopped on Toothless and ran across to the other side, some how not getting hit by a single arrow. 

"Hiccup! Are you okay?" You rushed over to him and checked both him and Toothless to which they seemed fine. 

"Yeah, we're okay." He reassured you and dismounted Toothless. He went over to the chest and gave you a questioning look, you only shrugged. He looked around the box for any traps like you did before slowly opening it. You both looked inside and saw there was nothing. That's boring. 

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