Chapter 16: Finally got the Letter

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A week later and still no letter from Viggo. Either he has manipulated you and you fell right into his trap or he was taking his sweet ass time. Now that the others knew about Viggo being alive too it was about all they talked about for the first two days. That didn't help you much since you had to pretend to be just as shocked as the rest of them and also hide the guilt you felt since you helped him and it was starting to seem like he just used you. 

Some bad news, the hunters got the Dragon Eye. Since you weren't entirely sure if Viggo was still on your side you questioned if it was really bad news or not, either way, the Dragon Eye was with Krogan. Good news, Hiccup made a Dragon Eye too. From what Hiccup said, the new Dragon Eye was much better than the old one. That means you could check out what was on the Dragon Eye lens you had, but you decided to wait until things calmed down. If it seemed interesting enough, like were other furies were or a map, it would intrigue you enough to want to go on some grand adventure looking for it.

After the battle (which was won mainly because of you and Astrid kicking ass. Hiccup helped a bit too you suppose) you and the others had to rebuilt a bunch of the huts. Yours, surprisingly, had barely been touched, unlike a lot of the other huts. As for the burn you got on your arm, you remade the same stuff that you used for Viggo's burn and wrapped it up in cloth. After a week it had mostly healed, it was still really red and it was most likely going to stay like that. You were meaning to sew the hole in your sleeve from the blast, but you got lazy and decided to do it another time. That time just happened to be today. 

You were in your hut after tracking Chicken most of the day, and turns out she had babies. Navi may or may not have wanted to eat them, so you had to keep him away from her babies or else you would have to tell Tuff he miscounted the chicks. 

You had some string and a needle ready to patch up the hole on your shirt. The only thing lighting the hut was a few candles placed at your desk so you could see what you were doing. Navjeev was laying on his rock slab playing with some feathers as you tried to attach the string to the needle. Just as you were about to bring the needle up to your arm to sew the hole in your shirt a sudden pawing at the door made both you and Navjeev look up. Setting the needle down, you push out of the chair and open the door. A yellow Terrible Terror ran into your hut, heading straight towards Navjeev until it was him sitting there. Navjeev imminently got up and started chasing after it in a playful manner. Terrified, it ran all around your hut trying to get away from him, knocking some things over as it did. 

"Navi, stop!" You ordered him frantically in hope that you could save your hut from bring trashed. After some slight hesitation, he stopped and went back to his bed with a groan.

The Terror hid under your desk and slowly crept out from under it after a few seconds, looking both ways to made sure Navi wasn't there anymore. You crouched down in front of the desk and held your hand out to the dragon. It cautiously came closer and sniffed your hand before nuzzling it with a slight purr. You smiled softly then noticed a letter tied to it's leg. The Terror climbed up your arm and you took the letter from it's leg before letting it outside. 

You unrolled the letter and scanned over the words on the paper. It was from Viggo. He wanted to meet at the island he stayed at while you were helping him so he could discuss a few things. You were skeptical if it was a trap or not. This was the first time he has wanted to talk since he's left and then there was the battle at The Edge that he was a part of. You decided to go anyways, something told you it wasn't a trap or maybe that's just what you wanted to think. You saddled Navjeev and took off into the cold night sky. 

Flying back to the island at night reminded you of the first time you brought him there. It was calming. You spotted the island in the distance with a small boat next to it on shore. Just to be safe, you flew a few circles around the island, making sure you didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Only the one boat was there. It was too small for more than a few people and you didn't see any Singetails. Navjeev seemed calm and almost excited to be back on the island.

That's a Bit of a Personal Question .|Viggo x Reader|.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα