Chapter 14: Bringing War

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You have relaxed a lot since Rowan was kicked out a few days ago thanks to your father. You didn't feel bad for him one bit. He deserved it after trying to manipulate you into marring him which almost worked, but you caught him talking about it few days before the wedding. As soon as you figured out what he was doing you called off the wedding. He put up the 'I don't know what you're talking about' act, but you had already heard enough. It didn't help that he wasn't the nicest person in the world. He always talked to you like you were stupid and like you were just a little house wife. You don't know why you even agreed to a marriage in the first place. It made you feel stupid to know that he was manipulating you all that time and you never noticed. 

Now you were just sitting at your desk in your room after just waking up. Navjeev was out catching his bird like every morning and you were left to find something to do for the day. It didn't feel right to you if you weren't doing at least something. You wondered how Viggo was doing. He said he was helping you so you were expecting a letter of what was going on with the hunters. You weren't exactly sure if he was the kind of guy to spy and give info, but you never know with him. Maybe you should send a letter first and ask what's going on? 

You grabbed a pencil and paper off your desk then stared at the paper trying to think of something to write. Just ask what's going on or add a little more? You still weren't positive how he felt towards you especially after you yelled at him and may or may not have said a little more than you should have. He didn't seem too upset when you saw him last time. You then remembered one important thing. 

You banged your head against the wood of the desk and groaned. If you sent a letter to him and someone else found it then they would know he was communicating with a Dragon Rider and he would either be thrown in a cage or killed on the spot and you couldn't risk that happening. You were just going to have to wait for him to sent you a letter first, if he even sends one at all. What if he manipulated you too? Maybe he just used you to nurse him back to health and to get him supplies. You sure hoped that wasn't the case. 

Quick wingbeats made you look towards your window just as Navjeev landed on the frame of the window and dropped a bird on your bed.

"Not on the bed, you winged rat!" You quickly pushed out of the chair and scrambled over to the bed to grab the bird.

 You picked it up by the wing and threw it at his face with a laugh. He huffed and looked at you unamused as the bird slid down his face to then fall on the floor. He jumped into your room and practically swallowed the bird whole before turning to you and licking your face. 

"EW! You are discussing!" You gagged at the smell of his dead-bird breath and wiped the slobber off your face. 

Navjeev made laughing noises and pranced around your room before jumping on top of you. You blew air in his face and laughed when he scrunched his face up and got off you. Deciding not to move you just stayed laying on the floor and stared at the ceiling with a sigh. Hearing you sigh, Navjeev came back and flopped on you, letting out another laugh as he did. You grunted and struggled under his weight as you tried to push him off you with no luck. You sighed in defeat and just let him lay on top of you. The dragon smiled, amused, and began to purr as he began to stroke the scales on his head. There was a sudden knock at your door causing both you and Navjeev to look up. 

"Come in!" You shouted and tried to push Navjeev off again, but he still didn't move. Hiccup walked into the room with a worried expression, but it soon changed to a goofy smiled when he saw you laying on the floor with Navjeev on top on you. 

"Hey, Hiccup. Been so bored at Dragons Edge that you had to come visit little ol' me?" You were finally able to get Navjeev off you, he basically got off on his own, but you can still pretend you did it. Hiccup's face became serious again as Navjeev greeted him by nudging his hand. 

"I wish that was the case. Can we talk?" Hiccup motioned you to followed him and gave Navjeev a few scratches. You looked at him concerned before getting up and following him out of the house. 

He told you all that as happened at Dragons Edge as you both walked around Berk. The new enemy, the Sandbuster and finding Viggo's sword (Of course, you knew he was alive, but they didn't so you just pretended to be shocked when he told you), Berserker Island and how the dragons acted while being there, Thor Bonecrusher, and a few other things in between. Then finally the attack at Dragons Edge, how Hunters managed to control Singetails and how they used them to attack the Edge. That's why he and the others were here, because the Dragon Flyers have run them out of The Edge and Defenders of the Wing Island. The news terrified you, these guys ran the Riders out of their own home. 

"Now dad is preparing for War! And he doesn't care that the Singetails are being forced to do all of this!" You could see the frustration in his eyes and voice as he spoke. "There has to be another way, I-I just have to figure out what to do." 

"You will think of something, you always do" You gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile and took a deep breath. Stoick suddenly called your name. 

"I want you training with the rest of the Dragon Riders in the Arena" Was all he said before leaving. You smiled at Hiccup one more time before heading over to the Arena. You finally got the chance to see the preparation in Berk. It looked like the dragon fighting days again. You saw old weapons you haven't seen in years. Everyone was running around preparing for this war. 

You entered the arena and everyone was already training. You and the others spent the rest of the day do that. Shooting arrows, targets, doing flying exercises, anything really. Hiccup was gone, probably trying to think of another way. You knew he needed to think so you didn't look for him since he needed time to himself. Throk was protecting Ruff the whole time which you heard was because of an oath. Tuff was not happy about it one bit. 

Night had finally come and everyone was back in the arena. Tuff had had enough and told Throk what really happened and turning out he didn't care and he would rather stick with Ruff. Stoick walked into the arena with his usually scowl and asked for Hiccup to which you and Astrid told him he was gone. Stoick decided to talk to the both of you instead. You gave each other uneasy glances and followed him out of the arena to talk. He wanted to bring the fight to them. 


Words: 1276 

I'm not as busy now and I got some motivation back so hopefully another chapter will be out pretty soon. Hope you liked the chapter and have a good day as always! <3

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