Chapter 25: Silent Talkers

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"Viggo, did you want to fly on Navjeev while I get on Zyran and work with her so maybe she'll listen a bit better?"

"No, we need to learn to work together." Viggo sat on the Skrill with his brows knit together, trying to concentrate on not falling off and keeping the constantly moving dragon under control. 

You gave him a concerned look as he had Zyran zip around in a circle, trying to get her to listen while Navjeev hovered a bit further away. It had been a few weeks since he was brought to the Edge and he decided to try and work with Zyran since he felt bad that she had been mostly sitting with him the whole time. Also, Berk found out that Viggo was staying at the Edge and your father wasn't too happy about it, he obviously doesn't trust him and hates the idea that he is staying here. 

"Fly her around and get some of her energy out, I'll follow incase you fall off." You suggested. Viggo gave a nod then leaned to the left and Zyran took off in that direction. Despite not being near a storm of any sort, Zyran was still highly energetic.  

You followed Viggo around the Edge while he managed to stay on the Skrill. Something around a sea stack caught your eye. What seemed to be a decent sized, bulky ship peeked around a distant sea stack and was pointed towards the Edge, as if whoever was on the ship was watching them. The sail had a dragon breathing fire and a sword slicing through the fire. You pulled Navjeev into a stop and squinted your eyes, trying to get a better view of the ship. Viggo noticed you stopped and whipped Zyran around to hover beside you. 

The ship noticed the two of you had stopped and it began turning around to leave. You narrowed your eyes and urged Navjeev to follow the ship, Viggo right behind you. You made it to the sea stack where you saw the ship and Navjeev landed on the top of the sea stack while Zyran clung to the side. The crashing of the waves against the sea stack was the only thing you heard as you searched for the ship but saw nothing but open sea. 

"(Y/n), look out!" 

A large net came crashing down on you and Navjeev as he flailed around in shock, only tangling himself in the net more. He lost his footing and started falling towards the water below. You wrapped your arms around Navjeev's neck and hung on for dear life as he bounced off the sea stack and fell into the ocean. Cold water engulfed you and Navjeev while you were barely able to hold onto consciousness. You saw nets flying at Viggo from above the water and lightning blasts coming from Zyran before darkness clouded your vision as you sunk deeper in the ocean. 


Your vision returned to you along with a massive headache. The soft swaying and sound of waves could already tell you that the intruders had captured you. You opened your eyes and saw metal bars caging you inside a cell. Viggo sat beside you, his back resting against the walls of the ship, with an arm wrapped around your waist keeping you at his side. You lifted your head off him and studied your surroundings further. Viggo watched as you looked around with a curious and worried look in your eyes. 

"How are you feeling?" Viggo finally spoke. 

"Well, I have a killer headache that's for sure." You groaned. "How long was I out?" 

"At least an hour." 

"Do you know who took us?" 

"No, I've never encountered these people before. They were odd, never spoke a word and took an interest to Navjeev." He explained, his brows slighted knitted together. 

"What did they do with the dragons?" You perked up at the sound of your dragon's name and asked him with worry. 

"To a different part of that ship, that's about all I know." He frowned, disappointed of his lack of information. 

You exhaled a breath through your nose and leaned against Viggo. A few moments passed and you heard the sound of a door opening and shutting again followed by footsteps. A well built, older man dressed in brown or black leather and fur stopped at your cell. He had long brown hair and a bushy brown beard that reminded you a lot of your fathers. His one ungloved hand revealed the same emblem on the sails of the ship was branded on the top of his hand. The man's dull grey, slightly narrowed eyes looked at the both of you.

"Hey! Where are you taking us?" You stood to your feet and asked the man with a stern voice. He only stared down at you, being a few feet taller than you.

"Do you even understand what I'm saying?" You narrowed your eyes at him, keeping a stern voice.  His eyes drifted over to Viggo who was now standing where he was previously sitting then back to you. You dropped the stern voice and asked with an easier tone, another question. 

"Who are you?"  

After a few seconds, the man turned and began walking away before stopping. The wood of the ship squeaked under his weight. "Blaze Breakers," he said in a burly voice before continuing to leave. You waited to hear the door shut before turning to Viggo. 

"Blaze Breakers, that's got to be their tribe name. Nobody names their kid 'Blaze Breakers' no matter how much of brute they think he's going to be. Have you ever heard of them before?" You paced around the cell and looked around for an escape. 

"Afraid not." He rolled his eyes in a playful manner as you stopped and turned to him.

"Mke, so the plan is-" 

A sudden blast rocked the ship making you fall on top of Viggo as you both crashed onto the wooden floor. 

"Hey, how's it going?" You said casually and looked down at him while you propped yourself up with your arms on his chest. 

"Not too bad." He replied in the same tone and a smirk. 

You got off him then offered a hand to help him up. He took your hand and pulled himself to his feet. You heard the familiar whistle of a Night Fury blazing passed the  ship. Another blast was shot making the ship jolt around. You braced yourself by holding onto the wall to keep yourself from falling, Viggo doing the same while holding onto you. 

"Okay, I guess this plan works too." You heard the door open again and Astrid appeared at the front of the cell. 

"How do feel guys like ditching this place?" Astrid put one hand on her hip and swung the keys around her finger with the other.

 "Hel Yeah!" You sprung towards the bars while Astrid opened the cage. You gave her a quick hug and ran to the deck. 

Outside there was the Hiccup on Toothless and Stormfly setting ablaze to the ship with lots of large Vikings shooting at them. Zyran was already in the air circling, most likely looking for Viggo. You heard a familiar roar of Navjeev in the distance. Vikings where shooting at him while he managed to doge their fire. 

"Falcon!" One of the men shouted and more came running over to help shoot at Navjeev. 

You whistled for Navjeev and his ears perked up. He growled at the Vikings and shot a blast at them before swooping over and grabbing you in his paws then taking to the skies. He maneuvered around arrows while you climbed into his saddle. You noticed Viggo and Astrid had already gotten to their dragons and was in the air. 

Navjeev roared to get Hiccup, Viggo, and Astrid's attention. You motioned them to just go and they started heading over, leaving the large ship on fire. 

"It's about time you guys actually came to help!" You teased. 

"Uh, yeah. When we noticed you two hadn't come back we started to get worried. Then the twins mentioned they say a strange ship earlier so we just went with that." Hiccup rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile.  

"Speaking of which, have you ever seen that emblem before?" 

"Actually I have." He paused. "That ship had the same emblem as the one we found Navjeev on." 


Words: 1392


That's a Bit of a Personal Question .|Viggo x Reader|.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ