Chapter 24: Healing the Wounded

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"If you aren't going to help then back off!" The riders circled around where shocked to see you defending the wounded man still sitting on the dragon a few paces behind you. 

"You can't expect us to just go on with our day after you've brought him  here! Plus, Hiccup and the twins are nowhere to be seen and we want to know where they are." Astrid stood before you with her axe in hand. The barely risen morning sun glistened off her axe while Astrid looked at you through narrowed eyes.  

"They are on their way, Astrid. We need to help Viggo before his condition gets any worse, then Hiccup can explain what happened when he gets here." You explained to her. 

"Fishlegs, you know your way around herbs, right? You wouldn't mind giving some assistance, now would you?" Viggo asked with a weak voice while barely being able to stay sitting up. 

"Uhh," Fishlegs' eyes flickered between you and Astrid before landing back on Viggo, the look on his face full of uncertainty. He thickly swallowed before answering with, "of course, Viggo..." He went over and helped Viggo off of Navjeev and you went over to help as well. 

"Fine." Astrid scoffed and walked away, towards her hut. 

"We can take him to my hut, I have some supplies up there that we can use." Fishlegs told you and you answered with a nod and started heading in that direction. 

"Ha, wouldn't want him staying in my hut." You heard Snotlout laugh. You sent him a glare and he straightened up and walked away. 

You both successfully got him to the hut and got him on a spare bed. Viggo was laying on his side with his back towards Fishlegs. You would go out to get anything he needed and after a while all the arrows were out and Viggo was bandaged up. Hiccup walked into the hut later and his eyes landed on the resting Viggo right away. 

"How's he doing?" Hiccup asked with a quiet voice. 

"Well, I got the arrows out and got the wounds bandaged then gave him something to help with the pain. All we can do now is wait and hope for the best." Fishlegs told him. 

"Okay, everyone is in the Clubhouse waiting for an explanation on what happened, you should hear it too, (Y/n) will watch him." Hiccup explained to Fishlegs who gave a nod. You gave Hiccup a look that said 'please don't say too much'. You didn't want the other riders to know about you and Viggo yet.  

They both left soon later and you were left by yourself sitting on a wooden stool next to a now resting Viggo. The smell of herbs lingered in the hut along with the smell of dragon, more specifically, Gronkle. 

Navjeev walked into the hut and cooed, his pale, green eyes dilated. He walked beside you and collapsed onto the wooden floor.  You sat down on the floor next to him and stroked the scales on his head. 

"Thank you, bud, for saving Viggo." You gave him and appreciative smile and he licked your hand in return. "I'm going to the Clubhouse, you stay here and watch him." The dragon cooed and flopped on the floor, getting comfortable. 

You took a deep breath and left Fishlegs' hut. Ravi ran up beside you and walked alongside you through the grass. She chirped and jumped up and down, trying to get your attention. You knelt down beside her and ran your hand along the sail on her head. She purred and flopped onto her back while you rubbed her belly. You smiled then got up and continued walking towards the Clubhouse. Their voices got louder the closer you got until you leaned against the doorframe and listened to their conversation. 

"I know Viggo sacrificed himself and all, but I still don't feel comfortable with him staying in my hut."

"What? You think it's his master plan to wait until you fall asleep then suffocate you to death?" You spoke up and everyone turned their attention to you. 

"I wouldn't put it past him." Snotlout said. 

"Lovely, Snotlout. Well, what do you expect to do with him then?" You crossed your arms and raised a brow. 

"Throw him in the dragon cages." He waved you off. 

"You remember what happened last time we did that? Does 'burning him alive because you weren't watching' ring a bell?" You noticed everyone was looking at you along with an annoyed Snotlout. "Fine, he can just stay in my hut." 

"Hey, did you guys happen to notice that Skrill that's been circling us for about the past 5 minutes?" Tuff pointed out and everyone poked their heads out of the Clubhouse. Sure enough, there was the Skrill that was with you, Hiccup and Viggo during the raid, or at least you thought it was. The Skrill drifted closer towards the huts and continued to circle, looking for something.  

"Hiccup, what should we do?" Fishlegs' asked with a nervous hint in his voice. 

"Shh, just wait." Hiccup shushed him, his eyes never leaving the circling Skrill. The Skrill cautiously landed at Fishlegs' hut and sniffed around the area. 

"(Y/n), see if the Skrill remembers you from the raid" Hiccup just voluntured you. 

"And what if they don't and try to kill me instead?" 

"You have Navjeev over there, you'll be fine." 

"Gee thanks, I feel so loved here." You spoke in a sarcastic tone and stuck your tongue out at him. 

You snuck back over to Fishlegs' hut but noticed the Skrill wasn't there anymore. There was a bang inside the hut, like something fell onto the floor. You took a look inside the hut and saw the Skill and Navjeev sniffing each other.  Navjeev noticed you and that alerted the Skrill of your presence. The Skrill whipped around and growled at you until Navjeev stepped in front of them. He stood defensively in front of you and the Skrill stopped growling but kept a narrowed gaze fixed on you. 

"Hey, remember me?" You spoke softly and took a step closer to the Skrill. You offered your hand for the Skrill to sniff but they showed no interest and only glared at you. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry we left you behind. I had to get him back here before he could get any worse." You glanced over the Skrill and looked at the sleeping Viggo behind them. You looked down and noticed a metal tool then picked it up. The Skrill perked up and looked at the tool in your hand with interest. You stepped closer and showed them the metal tool. The Skrill licked it and you offered your hand again, they eyed your hand before placing their snout in your palm. 

"There we go." You smiled at the Skrill as they took their snout out of your hand and turned around to Viggo. 

"Did you come here for him?" You looked at the Skrill who was sniffing Viggo's resting form. "He is healing right now, but you can stay with me until he wakes up." The dragon looked at you a gave a gentle growl. You walked out of the hut and gave the others at the Clubhouse a thumbs up, signaling you were okay and not dead. 

With help of the others, you were able to get Viggo into your hut. He was just going to sleep in your bed since you had nowhere else to put him. The Skrill made themself at home on your floor next to where Viggo slept. Navjeev slept on his bed and Ravi curled up next to him. 

You gave Viggo and extra blanket you had. He looked peaceful while he slept, like it was the first rest he had in awhile, which it probably was. You grabbed another blanket and wrapped yourself in it then cuddled up next to Navjeev. The dragon wrapped you in his wings and you passed out as soon as you closed your eyes.


Words: 1331

So sorry this took forever to get out, I lost motivation to write and I was pretty busy the pasted few weekends so its not like I had the time to write anyways. jsdhoasdiuhdfushdiosdhf hope you liked this chapter, weirdo's.  

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