Chapter 27 ~ The best gift

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After taking the blessings of everyone, Devika asked Arjun to sit on the dining table for breakfast. But he said that the guests and sages should be served first. 

So Draupadi and Arjun together served all the guests and sages who had come to Indraprastha on the occasion of his birthday. After that Draupadi served the breakfast to him. 

His gaze travelled to the food on his plate. Literally everything was made of his liking, the puris, jaggery kheer, the veggies, gazar ka halwa and lots of sweets. 

He ate all of them and moaned relishing the taste of the dishes. 

"Wow Mata, it's amazing! Absolutely of the world!" He appreciated. 

Kunti chuckled, "All the credits goes to your wife dear. She prepared everything for you." 

His gaze travelled to his wife who was just standing beside Subhadra. He winked at her making her heart jolt. His wink indicated that, 'I will surely gift you with your reward after this.' 

"Thank you Krishnaa." He thanked her for now. 

But immediately after returning to their chamber, the first thing he did was he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles making her blush. 

"What's this for Arjun?" She asked shyly. 

"For making the most delicious food of the universe." He said. 

His gaze further travelled to her soft lucious lips which were constantly inviting him to ravish them. So he slowly leaned in closer to her face. Her breath got hitched as her forehead touched with his and their nose touched each other's. He closed his eyes and was about to kiss her juicy lips but she pushed him away. 

"Huh?" He said surprised by her sudden action. 

"Its not time for this Arya, the celebrations will be begining shortly. You should get ready now. Everyone are waiting for you downstairs." She said to which he reluctantly agreed. 

"Is all this necessary Krishnaa?" He asked making a face. 

"Yes" she chuckled at his cute antics. 

Soon they reached downstairs where the whole family was waiting for them

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Soon they reached downstairs where the whole family was waiting for them. 

"Come Bhrata. The show is about to start." Nakul dragged him to the centre of the hall and made him sit on the main chair. Draupadi sat beside him. 

The show began on the stage with a small boy dressed as little Arjun. The background was that of a forest and another man was dressed as Guru Dronacharya. 

He gave the boy a bow and an arrow and pointed at the nearby tree and a bird sitting on one of its branch. "Listen Arjun, you have to peirce the bird's eye. Can you see the tree over there?" He asked. 

"Yes Gurudev." The boy acting as Arjun replied. 

"Tell me what do you see Arjun?" 

"I can only see the bird's eye Gurudev. Only the bird's eye and nothing else." He said. 

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