Chapter 4 ~ Friends?

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Arjun helped Draupadi get down the horse and walked with her in the palace. He looked at Draupadi and gave her a small smile. She returned the smile while they walked hand in hand.

Ruchi's gaze, who was pacing back and forth fell on her sister. She ran towards them in anger and fury.

"Yo- !" Her words were cut midway as she realised the presence of Arjun. 

"Oh! I mean... Where were you throughout the day my little sister? You know, how madly we all were searching for you priye?" Ruchi added extra sweetly cupping Draupadi's cheecks tightly making her nails dig into her cheecks. Her eyes teared as she felt the pain.

Ruchi quickly left her cheecks and took her into a bone crushing hug making her hand depart from Arjun's in the process.

"So Arjun, she is my little sister Panchali." Ruchi introduced her to Arjun.

"I know" he muttered.

"And thanks a lot for bringing my precious sister back Arjun. It's getting late so I will meet you tomorrow. Good night!" Ruchi said and left, dragging Draupadi with her. 

Arjun stood there expressionless.

Neither he got the chance to witness the young princess throughout the day nor he got the chance to have a proper conversation.

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"You fool! How dare you get out of the kingdom without my permission?" Kalyani spat out the words as she slapped Draupadi hard making her fall on the ground.

"I told you to stay in your chamber. And you..." She kicked her stomach making her wince in pain.

Ruchi stood in a corner smirking at her sister.

"The guests are present today, so I am leaving you b*at! But that doesn't mean you can do anything you want! Don't try to cross your limits girl!" She kicked her one more time before slamming her to the wall.

"And better get ready properly tomorrow. Wear some decent dress, the Pandavas wish to meet you." She left with Ruchi shutting the door behind.

Draupadi stood up weakly and walked till her bed, tears not leaving her eyes. 

She lied on her stomach and digged her face into the pillow. She kept weeping throughout the night.

What was her fault in this? 

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It was early morning and the sun has not rose yet. But it was the daily custom of Gandivdhari Arjun to practice archery in early morning.

But he frowned as he smelled the addictive fragrance of blue lotuses approaching him out of nowhere. 

He finally removed the blindfold on his eyes and started looking for that fragrance. 

On the other hand, Draupadi was collecting flowers early in the morning, humming some song.

Out of blues, she heard the squashing of arrows. 

'Who might be practicing archery that too early in the morning?'

She couldn't restrain herself to search that person. 

Coincidentally, Arjun and Draupadi searching for each other in the same direction bumped into each other. To prevent her from falling, he caught her waist.

But due to imbalance Arjun fell on the ground with a thud, luckily the grasses were there to support him. And noticed Draupadi had fallen on top of him, his hands still clutching her petite waist. The cherry on the top was that the basket had fallen above them passing through the air making the flowers shower on the couple. 

Their bodies touching each other, while Draupadi lay on his chest. She looked up at him amazed. For a moment, nothing matter to them both as they kept looking at each other. The world seemed to have vanished.

Coming back from the trance, Draupadi shifted her gaze to his hands, which caught her waist. Arjun too realised what he had done and quickly left her waist. 

Draupadi stood up and corrected her lehenga. She turned around only to see that the basket had fallen and flowers shattered all around. 

Arjun too stood up and looked all around and then shifted his gaze back to Draupadi. 

She was looking at the green grass, her cheecks dusted in a beautiful shade of pink.

"Rajkumari, I am sorry. I.. I shouldn't have done that.." he whispered slowly scratching the back of his neck. 

"It's completely okay Rajkumar. You were just trying to help me." She said. 

"If you don't mind Rajkumari, then can I call you by your name?" He asked her.

"Of course Rajkumar. But what do you want to call me? You see I have a lot of names!" She chuckled.

"Lot of names?" 

"Yes. Draupadi, Panchali, Nityayuvani, Krishnaa.." 

"Krishnaa" Arjun stopped her.

"Done! I will call you Krishnaa!" He smiled.

"As you wish Rajkumar." 

"Call me Arjun Krishnaa. Just Arjun." He said.

"Okay Arjun!" She chuckled. His name sounded so good from her mouth.

"So are we friends?" Arjun asked bringing his palm forward. 

"Friends!" Draupadi smiled keeping her hand on his.

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A/N : 

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