Little convo

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How do I look (Helen asks Diane while checking herself in the mirror)
"You look okay."
"Okay?! I can't look okay! (She strangely stares at herself in the mirror) Henry is coming today , I need to look perfect"
"Come on Helen your okay already" Diane tries to convince her
"No you don't get it, I can't just look okay. I should have put on the red ball gown but you said I shouldn't "
"Yes I told you not to because it will drag all the attention to you after all the main person should be Henry you can't over shine him . I hope you understand(she tries to reason with her)
"Yes you do have a point (she turns to face Diane). Do you think Henry will like me again and he would have totally forgotten about Michelle?"
"I hope so Helen, today we will find out okay, but that's not what is even in my mind actually "
" I don't get, what's on your mind"
"What if Henry comes back looking like you know..(she shrug)
"Like what?"she asks confused
"Like not that handsome, like let me say just average or worst looking"
"Come on ..(she taps Diane slightly hard on her shoulder)
"Ouch! Why did you hit me"
"Henry will look even more handsome. I'm sure of that"
"Okay if you say so. I'm just trying to you know help you . Like you won't be caught surprised or a little disappointed if he turns out the other way (she raises her shoulders)
"Awwn thank you for caring(she says sarcastically) But I'm sure he will turn out just  fine"
"Alright Miss world if you say so"
"I can't wait to see him and prove you so wrong (she says excitedly)
"I can't wait either" Diane rolls her eyes
"Yes what is it now??"
"What's with the attitude?
"Nothing, sorry just tired . What?"
"Do you know how I've longed to see Henry? I can't wait to finally see his face , talk to him and feel him . He has been away for
"Hello? (She waves her hand in front of Helen) and who sent him away?

"Sent him away!?"Helen gives her an offended look
"Yes it's you who made him go to London"
"Well it was for his own good"she tries to defend herself
"Or you mean for your own good"Diane burst into laughter
"What is so funny now (she looks at Diane annoyed) okay I admit it was for my own benefit but it also benefited him too"
"And in what way Helen"
"Don't worry when he comes back you will see what I'm saying"
"Okay if you say so"Diane shrugs
Helen exhales "I can't wait to see him"she says calmly
"Well if you are so excited to see him aren't we supposed to be outside already to welcome him?"(Diane rhetorical asks)
"Yes your right"
"So? Let's go he will soon be around"
"Okay but do I look good "
"You look stunning I promise alright (she says while fixing her hair) and you will see that when you see him glued on you Helen"
"Alright"Helen says with a blush
"Okay now lets go"Diane grabs her hand and they both leave 

Hii 🙂 alright it's been long since I updated I'm really sorry about that and I apologize 🤧
From now on I will update on time, I will try my best . Thank you
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