Send off Party

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"It is nice to see that all our friends and family that came to attend the special send off party of Prince Henry. Cheers!" The queen raises her glass up
(In response the guests does the same)Cheers!!!
"I'm very sorry,Henry will be here with us in a while......Oh here he is"she smiles as she sees Henry and Jaden both coming down the stairs
(The guests sees Henry too and start murmuring)
"Wow! He looks so handsome"
"He just looks like his mother"
"What a lovely boy he is".........
"Queen Eliza" one of the guest calls out to the queen
"Yes(the queen turns) ohh Daniella (she hugs her) How are you doing?"
"I'm fine, you are really blessed with such a handsome son you know" she laughs
"You too look at both of our sons they are really the best of friends"
"Yes they are" They both giggle

"Dianeee(Helen shakes Diane arms)Henry looks so dashing. He really looks soo handsome wearing this dark wine suit and the golden wrist watch compliments the dressing too and the black Versace Suede shoe....oh my God this is what you call the perfect guy".she says with excitement in her voice while drooling over how he looks
"Diane stares at her irritatedly "okay I won't say anything I will allow you to drool over him since your not going to see him for a long time"
"Come on Diane don't remind me about it now let me just be happy today"
"Okay I'm sorry"

The king clears his throat "I will like to say a big welcome to everyone for coming today to witness the send off party of my dear son. I am very grateful to everyone present for finding time out of their busy schedule just to attend this occasion. As we all know the reason  for this event, I will still say it though for clarification (they all laugh)that my son will be traveling to London for his studies. He won't be around for a while, so since this will be the last day for him here before he leaves...Me and my wife felt that he should be among his loved ones and have fun. So let raise a toast to my son Henry(He puts his hand around Henry shoulder and draws him closer to his side)for taking a new step in his life. Cheers!
Cheers!!!(They start partying)

     "Who are you looking for bro"Jaden sneaks up behind Henry
Henry makes a little flinch due to surprise "huh nobody, I'm just thinking"
"Really?? I know you are looking for Michelle" he playfully hits Henry's arm
"Yes I am. Sometimes I wonder if you are a wizard Jaden"
Jaden burst into laughter "Ha I wish. See don't stress yourself today, just have fun, everyone came just because of you. Alright??
He lets out a deep breath "yeah sure"
(Helen approaches Henry)" Henry how are you doing"
" I am fine and you?"Jaden replies
" I was talking to Henry not you Jaden"Helen hiss at him
"So you don't want to talk to me?"
"No" she puts on a fake smile
" don't mind him Helen. I am fine how are you doing?
"I am good (flaunting her dress) how do I look?"
"You look good"
She frowns "That's all??"
" The dress is beautiful,it really  looks good on you"
She blushes "Thank you, you also look amazing"
Jaden jumps in their conversation on purpose "I look amazing too, I know right"he laughs at annoyed expression
"No, not at all. Why am I even talking to you(she rolls her eyes) ehm Henry would you like to have a dance with me?"
" No I'm good I don't feel like dancing"
" come on the party  is for you so let's  dance"
"I don't really want to Helen"
"Jaden talk to him"
"Why should I? I thought I was disturbing you"
"I am sorry pleaseee"she pouts
"Henry dance with her now"
Henry gives Jaden a confused stare "what is that, a command??"
(With a straight face) "yes"
(Henry looks at him frustratedly while Jaden just looks blankly at him. They both stare at each other for a while)
Henry grabs Helen's hand "Helen let's dance"
"Just like that? Jaden did you cast a spell on him"
"I guess, or maybe he is just submissive to me"
"(Henry Laughs at the statement ) "Submissive my foot"They both start to crack up
Helen looks at them lost and confused "okayy whatever, let's dance" she drags Henry to the dance floor"

          Michelle and Naomi's pov:
"Michelle are you not attending the party?"
"No why should I, after all why should a servant be found in such gathering"
"I know but you have always been in every party that was thrown just for Henry"
She hands over the plate to Naomi to dry up "Yes that was then (she raises her voice) Now it's different he doesn't even care if I am there or not" Trying to hid the small tear drops coming from her eyes she faces the floor. Naomi drops the plate and moves closer to Michelle. She places her hand on her shoulder.
"Michelle look at me"Michelle still faces the floor. Michelle come on look at me (she gently uses her hand to lift her face up)Michelle are you okay?"she calmly asks
"No (she breaks down into tears)no I am not okay"
"Hey Michelle...."
"No Naomi don't tell me to calm down. It doesn't even bother Henry that we won't see each other for a long time. He did not even come to invite me. Even up till now he hasn't told me that he is leaving. So tell me Naomi (she strongly makes eye contact with Naomi) why..why should I come if I wasn't told about it in the first place? Why should I be there if the person they are hosting it for doesn't give a damn. Do do you know he told me he loves me? was it all a fake?! Everything he said that evening was a fake....Fake, they were all lies"she yells
Naomi hugs her tightly. Naomi I...I (she sniff)
"Hey it is okay Michelle, it's alright"she pats her back
"Can I ask you something Naomi"she says with a crack in her voice
"What is that?"
"(Sniffs)is it because I yelled at Henry and told him I didn't feel anything towards him when he told me he liked him. Is that the reason for the change in behavior?"
"(Still patting her back) I don't think so I am sure it might be something else"
"Does Henry still likes me?"
"I am sure he does, very much"she pecks the top of Michelle's head

    AN: I am really sorry for the late update 🙏I have been busy thats why. I hope you enjoy this chapter 💗

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