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"What do you mean you don't understand. I was told you were in the garden all by yourself, what is she doing here?"
"Actually I came to the garden to meet her, do you have a problem with that?"
"No I don't. I I thought maybe we could talk, it's been long since I saw you that's why I said I should visit you"
"Yes that's true but you can see that I'm with Michelle"
"I can see that, well I am here now. I know she is just a friend but both of you are not supposed to be seen together like this"
Henry frowns his face"What do you mean we can't be seen together"
"Henry it's nothing don't bother yourself. She looks at Michelle "Michelle leave now, thank you for keeping him company but I am here now so you can go"
He holds Michelle hands "She is not going anywhere and(looking at Michelle) did I tell you to leave?!"
"No but.."
"And you are going just like you always do. And Helen you always do this when I am with someone ,you can't just tell just tell her to leave. This time around I am not going to sit back and watch"
"I don't tell anyone to leave unless if the person is a servant"
"Well is she a servant"
"Yes she is and don't act like you don't know"
"Well she is not going anywhere"
"Henry please let me go" Michelle tries to remove her hand from Henry's grip
Henry tightens his grip "No I said you are not going anywhere"
"But Henry, Princess Helen came to see you, it's not right
"Oh.. please stop acting innocent in front of Henry, you are just faking it"
"I'm not pretending or faking anything"
"How dare you speak back to me you good for nothing girl"
"Hey Helen stop it, you can't talk to her that way"
"I can why? She replies herself. Because she is a servant in this palace stop treating her more than that"
"Helen can you go"Henry tiredly throws his hand to tell her to leave
"No I want to talk to you now"she folds her arms
"Can't you see that I am busy, please just leave I will meet you later"
Helen opens her mouth in shock "are you telling me to leave because of her"she points at Michelle
"Helen go now you are disturbing me"
Henry gets angry and yells "what are you still doing here. , please leave now!"
"Helen lets go"Diane holds Helen's wrist
"But Diane"
Diane whispers to Helen "He doesn't want to talk to you. Don't argue with him the best thing now is for you to leave them"
"I can't leave him with Michelle alone"
"Well you have to, let's go now"
"But...she looks at Michelle and get annoyed. Okay let's go" They both  leave the garden

   "Henry I don't think it was right for you to tell Princess Helen to leave because of me"
"It wasn't because of you I told her to leave"
Then why?"
"Nothing, I personally don't like her attitude and I don't feel like talking to her. I just want to stay here with you"
"But she came here just to meet you and you know how far her place is"
He squeezes his eyebrows "Michelle are you finding a way to push me away. You don't want to talk to me ?"
"Noo why would you say that, I like being with you but.."
"But what Michelle? I told you I will talk to her later"
"Okay you don't have to get angry" she smiles
He sighs " I'm sorry I feel like everyone is just pushing me to I don't like it.he turns his face away
"Well they are doing that because she is of the same class with you"
"Still it doesn't matter.he swings his hand in the air. I don't think it's something that should be forced you know friendship...relationship is something that comes naturally"
Laughing "why are you talking like that"she covers her mouth with her hand to stop laughing .Henry don't think about it too much"
"Michelle there is something I want to tell you"
"Okay tell me"
"I don't know how you will react to it" he gets nervous
Helen touches his shoulder "it's okay you can tell me"

    AN:Okay so what's Henry actually nervous about 🤔, anyways finally reached the tenth chapter..Hurray 🎉

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