Preparations 2

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"My son is coming back home today, oh I am so happy"
(The king clears his throat) "You mean our son"
"Yes our son (The queen jokingly rolls her eyes) he must be all grown up by now"
"Of course he must have added some height than the last time we saw him"
"Yes , that was when again?"
"Uhmm last three years I guess... Yes it's been three years since you visited him"
"Three years!! And you are proud to say it"
The king stare at her confused
"You deprived a mom from seeing her son for a good three years! I can't believe you did that (she winces)
  The king draws her closer to himself and places her hand in his "You know I didn't do it to hurt you or make you sad. The last time you saw him he clocked sixteen , that age he was in tells us that he isn't a small boy anymore and we shouldn't treat him as one. If he is continued to be treated as a mama's boy how would he man up, wasn't that the reason we sent him there?"
"Yes but...
"It's okay now (he strokes her cheek) he is coming home, you get to see him as much as you want okay?"
"Alright (she pouts) and you do have a point"
(He kisses her forehead) "so you are okay now?"
"Yes I'm fine"(she gives him a soft smile)
"Okay that is wonderful. You are so beautiful (he tells her while playing with a strand of her hair)
The queen removes his hand "I know, but thank you (she gets up to leave)
"Where are you off to, come spend some alone time with me"
"Not today my love. My so.. I mean our son is coming home today"
"Like as if I knew already" he rolls his eyes
"What do you mean??"(she looks at him surprised)
"That as soon as he comes back you won't have time for me again"
"(She giggles at his statement)Come on stop acting like a child and he is my son, I'm going to make up for all the time i wasn't with him. How I have missed him so much (she sighs)
"I  know , I have seen your mood change due to that but it will stop since he will be back today"
"Yes definitely it will"
"And I am really glad about that"
"She cracks a smile "I have to go now, I have to take a look on how the preparations are going. Everyone will soon be arriving and I have to dress up on time too ..I really have so much to do"
"Oh okay that is fine"
"Yes and you too, you need to dress up"
" I am okay like this . He is my son why do I need to impress him?"
"What do you mean by that, you still need to look good for the people coming too"
"But still..
She cuts him off " Go dress up!!

"How is the preparations going Sarah?"
"It is going fine my queen, everything is going well"
"It better be. Sarah I put you in charge of the preparations for Henry's arrival, I want everything to go smoothly"
"Yes ma everything will be perfect"
"It should better be" the queen says firmly while pointing a finger at her
Hush little baby don't you cry, mamas going to buy you a rocking bed

"Who the yell is singing right now" the queen furrow while looking around for the person
    And if that rocking bed gets spoilt, Mama's going to buy you another one
The queen turns her back "Daniella !!" Her eyes widens with surprise
"Yes Eliza, how are you doing
"Oh my God Daniella (she welcomes her worth a hug) I am fine, you?
"I'm good. You are really excited to see Henry"
"Of course why not"
"I guess you are going to sing that lullaby for him this night right"
"Yess I might , I just might" They both laugh
"So why haven't you dressed up yet?"she scans her from head to toe
"I will, I just need to make sure they do everything right"
"Eliza can you tell me a time when they have ever messed up in any party or occasion you hosted"
"No but.."
"So let it be , trust them. See very soon the guest will be arriving so as Henry too."
"Butt Daniella I want it to be perfect"
"It won't be if you don't let them handle it without you bothering them"
"No but we are going let them do their work in peace"
"Dani come onn"
"Stop whining and lets go"(she forcefully drags her out)

A/N : sorry for updating very late😔 I have been really busy
I will try and update it more often 🥺. Accept my apologies please 🥺🥺

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