I like you

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"Michelle there is something I want to tell you"
"Okay tell me"
"I don't know how you will react to it"
"It's okay, you can tell me"
He holds her hands "Michelle you are the only one that understands me and you have been my friend since we were little and all the times we had spent together till this moment has been the best moments to me. There's no one as nice and caring like you. He rubs the back of his neck with his hand "I don't know how I will say it but I am scared you might not want to talk to me again but I just can't keep it to myself"
"Why would I stop talking to you,she puts a smile on her face to give him reassurance.....tell me"
"Michelle I (he clears his throat) I like you . I really like you"
Michelle immediately removed her hand from Henry's own "What!! Are you hearing what your saying ...You like me?? . Henry honestly I don't know if you are being foolish or your just young to understand (she touches her head )
"What do you mean Michelle"
"Henry I am servant, my mom works as a servant in the palace...do you get it now"
He nods his head in confusion "so what is wrong with that"
"Everything Henry!! You don't know what ,
you're saying. If anyone hears this, if Helen hears about it or the queen do you know what will happen. No , (she shakes her head in disapproval) I don't want anything to affect my family"
"But Michelle nothing will happen" he tries to hold her
She moves away "oh really nothing (she widens her eyes) . You know that your mom doesn't like me. Reason it Henry, have you ever seen a prince and a servant together?!"
"Michelle that doesn't matter, why are you caring about what other people will think"
"Because I care about my family and honestly (she pauses) never mind"
"What do you want to say"
"Henry I don't feel the same way about you . I thought you just saw me as a friend and nothing more I can't believe you felt otherwise and this is not what you should be on your mind"she sighs
"Alright I am sorry. I made a mistake, okay. Just forget about what I said"
"How do you expect me to just forget what you said, everything was going well you just have to spoil it. You've spoilt everything" she yells
With a shaky voice "I I thought you said you won't get angry about what I will say.."
"Yes that was because I didn't imagine you will say something like this. (She breathe out)Please I want to go"
"Why, I said I'm sorry"
"Nothing I just want to go to my room"
"Okay, so,so you don't feel anything towards me"
"Yes nothing at all"
"And our friendship"
"I don't know about it, I can't even look or talk to you. I am leaving"
With sadness in his eyes "okay, I am sorry once again"
(Michelle leaves the garden leaving Henry alone)
   "Damn what did I do. I shouldn't have said anything to her, now I am sure she wouldn't want to talk to me again. He hit his foot on the ground, I messed up everything.....I hate myself, I hate everything!!"

      Awwwn poor kid🥺😭🤧
Ps: sorry about the short chapter:)

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