The only option

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"Helen the coach is around"Diane spoke through the door without entering the room
"Oh the coach has arrived,thank you Evelyn" Helen replied
"Okay I will be waiting for you"
All right I will come soon"
"Better be fast it's already late"
"Henry I will have to go now it was nice talking to you,thank you"she smiles
"No thank you, I really had a nice time with you"
She blushes "okay bye"she hugs him
"Bye see you later" He waves at her as she leaves

     (Going outside of the palace)
Helen stops "Yes I almost forgot, I have to meet Henry's mom. (She sees one of the servants)
"Hey do you know where the queen is?"
Bowing her head "she is in the Library"
"The libary? (She looks upstairs where it is) let me meet her fast"she says to herself

At the library:
"Hello"she knocks on the door
"Who's there?"in a soft tone the queen asks
"It's me Helen"
"Oh Helen come in"
She opens the door "Sorry for disturbing you, I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving"
"Okay take care and greet your mom for me"she smiles
"Okay I will (she fidget her with her hand)...uhm I just wanted to let you know that I thought of something concerning Henry"
"What is that?"she asks curiously
"Well I thought that if Henry schools in another country it will help advance his studies and Michelle won't be able to see him again. I ...I mean if Henry goes they won't be able to talk and see each other and I am certain that when he comes back he will be more matured and he will eventually understand that Michelle is just a servant and it is not pleasing of someone his status to be friendly with such a person"
The queen stares at Helen for a while
Helen stares at the ground "uhm I'm sorry if you don't like what I said, I just thought...
"That's a very nice idea, I have been thinking of what to do for so long"she interrupts Helen
Helen looks up with amazement "it just came up, Diane helped in giving me an idea"she giggled
"But that means I won't be able to see my son until he is through with his studies?"
"Yes I know you might not like the idea, I too don't like it either but it's for the best and you can pay him a visit when you want to. My queen I am not forcing my opinion on you,I just thought of it carefully and I saw that it will benefit him too but if you don't want to then it is fine maybe you will think of something better"
"Okay my dear I will think of about it, thank you so much (kisses her forehead)take good care of yourself"
"Yes I will"
"All right go home now it's getting really late,I don't want anything happening to you"
"Okay bye"
"Bye my dear"(Helen exits the Library)

     Helen! Helen!! Helen!!! Hele....
I'm coming stop shouting like that(Helen replies while connecting down the stairs)
"Don't you know it's late , I have been waiting for you since, lets go" Diane frowns
"Okay I'm here already, there is no need for you to get angry Diane " she pleaded
"Whatever let us go it's late"
"Diane guess what"
"What is it now"
"Hey come on why are you acting up"
"Sorry I am just tired,so what is it?"
"Anyways(rolls her eyes) I told the queen our idea"
"(Confused)what idea?....wait is it to send Henry to study in another country" she asks curiously
"Yes exactly"
"So what did she say? Did she agree"
"No...not yet, but she said she will think about it later"
"Hmm I don't think she would want her son so far away, especially when it's her only child"
"Yes I know, I too don't want Henry that far away but from the looks of it it will benefit her and even Henry so I have high hopes that she will agree to it"she spoke confidently
"I hope so too"
"But I will really miss Henry" she pouts
"Awwn(she puts on a disgusted face) I am really tired of your love talks it's enough for today. Come on enter"
    "So sorry for the delay" Helen apologizes in a nice tone
"No worries my princess I will take you home safely" The coachman replies
"And quickly too"Diane added
"Yes my princess I will try my best to take you home on time"

              The queen's pov:
Helen idea might be the only option, if not for my husband I would have sent Michelle and the rest of her family out of the palace but no I can't (she hisses) because of the stupid promise he made, now I have to send my own son away from his own kingdom. This wouldn't have happened if Henry was more reasonable but unfortunately he is not (she rest her head on her hand) I don't think I am ready to leave him on his own... no I can't.she shakes her head in disagreement
She gets up from her seat "But if I don't do something their friendship might turn to something else and it might become uncontrollable, I fear that Henry might end up falling in love with a servant. She sighs. It's for the best, I have to send him away just for a while , I just have to...there is nothing I can do or think of there is no other option......

       I really enjoy writing this part. Hope you liked it. Please  vote and share your thoughts in the comment section.TYSM🥰

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