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"You promise?" She brings out her hand
"Yes I promise"He places his hand on top of her and tightly hold it
"Okay (She blushes)"
"Soo?" Henry awkwardly uses his hand to rub the back of his neck
"Soo?? You have to go now I'm sure they will start wondering why you are not out yet"
"Yes that is true. So are you coming there with me?"
"Why?(He frowns his face)why don't you want to?"
"I don't know why but I will prefer to watch from over there (she points to her window)"
"Why is that?"
"I just have my reasons. I will feel much better"
"Alright if that is What you want"he shrugs
"So I will be taking my leave now"
"Okay take care"
"I will, bye(he reluctantly takes a step to leave)"
"Ehm wait Henry"
"Yes what any problem"
"(Michelle goes to her wardrobe and brings out a jacket)You remember you gave me your jacket"
"My jacket?(he frowns his eyebrows trying to remember) oh yes I remember"
"Yes I haven't returned it to you since then. Take" She stretches her hand which is holding the jacket"
Henry looks at the jacket and then looks at her
"What? I washed it I promise
Henry laughs "No it is not that. I prefer you keep it so when you see the jacket you will always remember till I get back"
"Really?her face lightens up"
He nods "Yes"
"Okay thanks I will. Ehm I don't really have anything to give you but will you take this necklace (she unhook the necklace around her neck). I actually made it with my hands, it is the first one I have ever made. I will like you to keep it so that it will remind you of me. (She hands it over to Henry)"
(Henry takes it from her) "okay thanks, I will have to wear it. Could you help put it on for me?"
"Oh ...okay sure"

(She collects the necklace from his hand and puts it on for him) "okay I am through. Is it comfortable on you?"
"(He adjusts it) yes it perfect"he smiles
"Okay that's nice. I think you should go now they are waiting"
"Yes that is true. I will be going now"
"But wait!(she heads over to her drawer and brings out a scroll)Here take , I wrote something in there for you "
Henry takes the scroll from her "oh really"
"Yes but don't open it now. I prefer maybe when you have left already"
"Okay I will wait till then"
"Alright bye"
"Ehm are you sure?"
"Sure?? I don't understand"
"You have been stopping me from going. So is there anything you still want to tell or give me"
"No nothing at all"
She sadly looks at him "Yes, but please take good care of yourself"
"I will Michelle and you too must do the same"
"I will"
"Okay byee"
(Michelle watches Henry as he leaves the room and she heads straight to her window)

"Henry where were you!" The queen asks worried
"I was in my room"
"Doing what? You wasted so much time"
"I am sorry but I am here now okay"
She lets out a deep breath "okay hurry up and tell your friends"

Princess Helen pouts "Henry I will really miss you"
"Same too"(They both hug)

    "Bro" Jaden strongly grips Henry's hand and push him in for a hug" Take care of yourself
"Take care of yourself too Jaden, I will miss you bro"
Jaden whispers "You mean me or Michelle?"
Henry gives him a soft smile "well since you know would you look after her for me and make sure she is alright and remember to always write to me, okay?"
"Yes sure anything for you bro"They both do their special handshake
   "Alright Henry come here won't you say goodbye to your mom?"
"Of course why won't I"He hugs her and kisses her on the chick"
"I will miss you a lot my love"
"Same too mom"
"Don't forget everything I have told you and take care of yourself too(she places a kiss on his forehead)
"Yes mom I won't"
"That's my good boy and have you met your father"
"Yes I did while I was inside"
"Oh okay that is fine. Alright its time for you to leave"

    Henry enters the carriage
"Prince Henry we are about to start moving are you okay with that?"The coach man asks
"Yes but wait"Henry looks up at where Michelle room is. "Michelle please take good care of yourself. I am coming back for you"
"Prince Henry" the coach man signals him that it's time to go
Henry replies with a nod giving him a signal that they can leave

    Everyone who were present outside from the queen to the other royals to his friends to the servants and the commoners kept waving him a goodbye and wished him a safe journey till his carriage was no longer seen from a distance

        "Henry goodbye I hope to see you soon" A tear drop falls from Michelle's eye

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