Soulmate 2

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Michelle's pov;

Michelle opens a drawer and brings out a blank paper. She places the paper on a table . She sees that the ink is finished , she searches the drawer for another ink unfortunately she finds none. She scans the room till she finds a jar of ink on top of a shelf .
She carries her chair closer to the shelf and then climbs on it , she stretches her hand to reach for it but the ink is too far for her to reach . She tries standing on her toes while stretching her hand to see if she can reach it again and this time she is able to get hold of the Ink jar. She gets down from the chair and brings it back to where the table is. She sits down and dips the quill in the ink and starts to write.

"Michelle"Her mom enters the room
"Yes mom"
"What are you doing here, everyone is outside so that they can bid the Prince a good bye
"I know but I am busy (she points to her paper) I will be there soon"
"Okay but come soon I don't want you to miss seeing him for the last time"
"What do you mean last time he is coming back, isn't he?
"Yes my dear, you didn't allow me to finish . He is coming back , I meant the last time before he comes back from London"
"Oh I will but I am really busy now"
"Okay just be fast with it ,okay?
"Yes mom I will"
(She leaves the room)
Michelle dips the quill in the ink one more time "mom is right I need to see him before he leaves. It felt like I my heart sinked when she said for the last time. Silly me(she face palm her head lightly) . I thought she meant I won't see him forever

She drops the quill as she is through with writing . She rolls up the paper and binds it

then opens a drawer and places it inside

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then opens a drawer and places it inside.
"Phew I'm finally through" she twists her hand in order to stop the ache due to writing.
"Now to see Henry"(she says with excitement in her voice) She heads for the door as she is about to go outside her room she pauses , a worried expression shows on her face "What If Henry ignores me, what if he is still annoyed with me. No no I can't go to him.(she walks to her window) it's better I watch from here. The view is perfect from here,I can see everyone outside except Henry Maybe he is busy. He doesn't care about me anymore. If not he would have came to see me since he is leaving today. I would have specially bided him farewell. But I guess it doesn't matter to him. (She lies flat on her bed with her face on top of a pillow. "Henry please don't go , stay here" she murmur

(Someone enters the room) Michelle, Michelle! Is she literally sleeping.
The person comes closer and whispers in her ear "Michelle , Michelle wake up"
She jumps out of the bed in fright "who are you!, oh Henry you are here?
"Yes I'm sorry for scaring you like that and not knocking too, the door was opened so I just entered"
She tries to calm her breathing " oh so what...what are you doing here?

  I recommend you playing "All i want" by Olivia Rodrigo while reading this part you will like it I promise

What am I doing here?? What are you doing here? Everyone is outside and you are here in your room. Why are you not outside there?
"Nothing"she shakes her head
He raises his eyebrows"Nothing??. Okay but why did you not come to the party yesterday I didn't see you "
"It's nothing, I just didn't feel like coming"
"You have never missed any party that was thrown for me since we were kids and you had to miss this one. Do you know how important it is, it was held so that I could spend time with the ones I care about but you weren't there and now you still want to miss seeing me off right?" He asked with a sad tone
"No it's not like that Henry"
"Then it's like what? Are you that annoyed with me that you won't at least have time for me before I leave, I told you I was sorry didn't I, then why are you still angry?
"If that what you wanted, for us to spend time together then why didn't you tell me that evening we were together. You could have at least told me, I'm I not worth knowing about it"she asks with pain in her eyes
"I did not know about it till two days ago exactly the time you knew about it. Even if, Is that why you didn't home for the party yesterday? I was looking for you but you were not there. Why?"
"I...I thought you didn't care if I was there or not"
"I did not care?? Why would you think so and today you still want to..."
"I thought you didn't care Henry"she raises her voice
"I don't care?Then what am I doing here in your room!?"
"I I'm sorry (tears starts to drop from her eyes) I thought you were angry with the way I yelled at you"
I also recommend "Train Wreck"by James Arthur while reading this part too

"Can I get angry at you?(he smiles)your very emotional. Why are you crying. (He uses his hand to wipe her tears)Hey it's okay. I was never angry stop crying
Michelle hugs him unexpectedly making his face flush red "Henry why are you going? What's wrong with staying here this is your home land. No one knows you over there. Please stay back "
Henry wraps his hands around her "Do you think I want to go?"
"Then why, why are you going?"
"Its my parents that is what they want"
"Then tell them you don't want to go"
"Michelle they have made up their mind. Nothing I say will change it, they will come up with a silly excuse you know how they are."
Michelle releases herself nicely from the hug "so does that mean nothing can stop you from leaving?"
"Unfortunately nothing, unless I break my leg"he smiles
"Michelle chuckles "stop it"
"I will really miss you Michelle. Honestly I am really scared, I don't know how it is over there. It's my first time staying all by myself, I don't know how they are over there. And I.. I will miss you so much Michelle"
"Do you want to cry? Now who is the emotional fool here?(they both laugh). I will miss you too Henry. Would you forget me?"She ask curiously
"No,never you will always be on my mind"
"You promise?"She brings out her hand
"Yes I promise" He places his hand on top of hers and tightly holds it"

     I really liked writing this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it too:)


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