22. His Precious.

Start from the beginning

"My offer is still up. I can drop you anywhere." He said walking towards the car and the cab driver watched us flustered.

"No thanks. Put me down!" I whisper yelled at him and he again ignored me which earned him a pinch on his exposed skin

"Kitten." He mocked me and I narrowed my eyes at him once he placed me on the back seat

"Next time I will scratch that handsome face of yours if you pull such a stunt." I deadpanned with a sweet smile and asked the driver to move who was watching us as if we're TV entertainment channel.

I slumped down on the couch and removed my shoes. I looked around to find him but he was not in my sight, getting up I sprinted up to his room while I had my shoes in my hand and handbag on my shoulder and the door flung open.

There was a very ravishing Rehaan. He had his shirts' button undone which layed his beautifully sculpted body on a show for me. Oh my my! Six pack abs! I blinked before I looked up into his eyes, this man had the audacity to smirk.

"What is this?" I pointed at his almost naked upper half and he looked down before shrugging. I did not missed the look of pride in his eyes and I rolled my eyes

"Wear something, Rehaan." I was acting unaffected of his drool worthy body to keep myself away from the twisting and ache in my lower body but the look of offense on his face had me melt into sadistic pleasure

"You have nothing to flaunt." The words just leaked from my mouth unintentionally and my eyes snapped up to his calm eyes. Before I knew he was taking slow and steady and methodical steps in my direction causing me to stumble back

"Look at you, Princess", He streched his arm and tucked my hair behind my ear yet I didn't stop taking stumbling steps away from him. I was not scared of him. I was scared for myself.

"How much you regret your words.", My back came in contact with the newel post and the next moment his strong arms came around my waist and I was lifted up to be slammed in the wall which stood opposite to me.

"You do?" He asked dipping his head to the hollow of my neck and nuzzled his nose on my larynx. Yes! I regret it with my each fibre.

"No." My stubborn mouth refused to follow my conscience and I felt my eyes widening in pure horror. WTF am I landing myself into? He pulled me closer to himself and squeezed my rear and bit on my sweet spot causing me to arch into him, mould myself according to his will. The pain caused by uninvited throbbing in my nether regions had me moan.

"No?" He asked against my skin as he glided my hand on the lines of his abs causing my breathe to hitch in my throat. Fucking Say Yes.

"Yes!" I cried arching my neck providing him more access to my skin
"Yes what, Princess?" He whispered against my lips while he threaded his fingers in my hair and locked his eyes with mine. Fucker! I couldn't muster up enough courage to even utter a word. My skin in the contact to his hard chest ruined my arguments.

"Tell me it effects you." He demanded and I gulped audibly looking down at my hands on his abs and sweat trickled down from the nape of my neck to my spine

"It does." I whispered and glided my eyes up from his abs to his tanned chest, then to his collarbone, to the hollow of his neck, to his Adam's apple, then to his oh-so-sexy jawline, to his crooked nose from his luscious lips and finally locked our eyes. The look of satisfaction he had on his face dripped his pride.

"Now do you still think the same?" He leaned on the wall behind me and I was caged between him and the wall. Our noses touched and lips brushed before he joined our forehead together.

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