Disappear-Wanda Maximoff

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Y/n feels like Wanda and Them are slowly drifting away.

In the morning
I woke up to my alarm and glanced over the empty spot in my bed which was once Wanda's spot.

She asked for space after the incident, it wasn't entirely her fault i mean she still couldn't quite understand what she really capable of. I of course gave her the space because she really did look like she could use some alone time.

That was 3 months ago. Three months of her entirely avoiding any human interaction. Believe me i've tried to get her to even the smallest talk or like a little smile. Every time she was just emotionless. I wish her brother was here, i'm pretty sure he could help her in a way no one can.

Her brother's incident was almost a year ago, she still blames herself. She's in a separate room and every time i walk around i hear quiet sobs. Which breaks my heart into million pieces and the thought of being unable to help her is unbearable.

Pushing away my thoughts, i get up from bed and get ready for the day. Once i'm all done, i make my way downstairs where the team's already having breakfast.

My eyes desperately trying to find Wanda but as soon as my eyes lands on her spot and seeing it empty makes me sigh sadly.

Natasha looks at me with saddened eyes and pats the chair which is next to her. "Good morning, Y/n, come sit with us" Nat said. I smiled and sat down next to her. "Morning team." I said.

where could Wanda be? It's literally breakfast. It's getting out of control i can't let her not eating. I haven't seen her for a few days now, she's always locked up in that god damn room. It's not healthy.

My legs starts to bounce up and down without me realizing it. Nat puts her hand on my leg signaling me to stop. "Y/n don't beat yourself up with this." She says. I remain silent. "She needs time." She said.

"I gave her Nat, i'm trying to respect it but it's been 3 months. Three months of not talking a word with her or hugging or anything really. It hurts." I said, tears threatened to come out of my eyes.

"Look, she's been trough a lot. I am 100% sure when she's ready to talk, you'll be the first one she'll go to." She said, reassuring me. "I'm trying to be there for her but it's so damn hard without seeing each other or even talk to each other." I said. Nat smiles.

"Just don't give up on her." She said.

After breakfast i made my way to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water. Then i start walking to the practice room, to get my mind off of all this things i started training way earlier than usual.

I got in front of the punching bag and in position. I repeatedly punched the bag without stopping for a bit. Anger grew over me.

Why won't she talk to me
Maybe she got tired of you
Or you're boring
Or she doesn't love you anymore
It's been three months.

Negative thoughts filled my mind as i kept hitting harder and with more force each time. Suddenly the punching bag fall off and i realized it too late therefore my knuckles met the wall with full strength.

"shit." i mumbled. Seeing my bandages bloody. My back fell against the wall and slowly slid down. I put my head in my hands, shaking, trying to control myself.

I hear the door open and heard a few steps before it stopped. "Y-y/n?" I heard a soft voice calling me. I sniff and looked up to see Her. She been locked up in her separate room for months but let me tell you even tho she did look like a mess, she was still the most beautiful human i've ever seen.
"Oh my god" she said and starts running to me after her eyes met my bloody hands.

But she stopped as soon as she was about to hold my hands in hers. "I- uhm" She tried to say. I frown my eyebrows slightly. I tried to reach for her hand but she backs away making me look in her eyes in horror.

"A-are you scared of me?" I asked, fear written all over my face. She looked down then stood up. "I- i'll call Bruce he he can check your hands for you" She said.
"no no Wanda i'm okay, i just wanna hold you please? Just a hug? Or anything" I hopefully said.

Her lip quivered, shook her head and made her way out of the practice room, without looking back.
Guess that answers my questions.

After Bruce took care of my wounds i made my way up to my room. When i was about to lay down i heard a little knock. "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Wanda, may i come in please?" She asked, she sounded like she've been crying. My eyes lights up, having mixed feelings about this. "Yes sure, come in" i said.

She slowly opens the door, immediately looking up the wall on the left, she saw i still had our very first picture we took in our very first mission together. She gave a little smile. "You kept it" she said quietly.

"Of course, it was a lovely experience, pairing up with you." I said. "and even more lovely memory" i continued.

She remained quiet. Did i fuck up? God y/n get it together. I clean my throat before speaking. "So uh what brings you here? Why don't you take a seat." I asked while patting the bed for her to sit. She nods, making her way to the bed slowly sitting down.

"I don't know where to start i just. I've been a real ass to you Y/n and you did not deserve that. I am sorry about earlier i couldn't keep it together, i'm also sorry about not talking to you for so long i was stupid god so stupid." She said it fast.

"Okay okay calm down Wanda. Firstly you weren't an ass, it was truly understandable why you needed alone time, i may have deserved it, maybe i was too pushy towards you and all i wanted to do was help in any way." I said.

"No no that is stupid, you weren't even near to be pushy Y/n, you did everything for me, respected me fully. I couldn't ask you more really." Wanda said.

"Then why?" I chocked out. "Why were you avoiding me at all costs like not even a hi for three months Wanda. You know how did that feel? I felt useless. I felt like you grew apart from me, got bored or tired of me. Fucks sake i thought you stopped loving me. I started to doubt your true love for me." I said.

She takes a deep breath. "i just, i am still scared." She said. "Of what Wanda? There is nothing to be scared, i am here for you i will always be i don't get why you can't let your guards down again-" I got cut off.

"Because y/n i am fucking frightened! I am scared to make any contact with you. I'm scared to touch you, i am scared to hold you, i'm scared you will just suddenly disappear as soon as i hug you. You are the only one i have left that still cares about me after all that shit i've done. I don't wanna lose you because of my stupid powers getting out of control again." She said while tears were streaming down her face.

I sigh in sadness. "May i hold your hand?" I asked. She sniffs, looking at me and slightly nod. I reached for her hand, this time she didn't back away. I slowly caressed her hand with my finger. "Do you feel my finger?" She nods. I smiled. I put her hand on my heart.

"Tell me what do you feel now?" I asked. She took a deep breath before answering. "I just feel you." She said. "Exactly Wanda, i am here, i will always be. I will never ever disappear." I said with a slight smile.

"I love you, i always have and always will." I continued with a bigger smile. She tried to not let her tears come out. "It's okay to cry, every human cries, you are a human Wanda." I said. With that she let the tears escape from her eyes.

"I'm here, it's okay let it out." I said while offering her a hug, she immediately buried herself in my chest, holding my shirt as if i was gonna disappear.

I started caressing her back and put my chin on her head "Can we uh can we stay like this for a few more minutes please?" She asked. I smiled against her head. "Of course we can, as long as you need to, i'll be here." I said.

Pretty long one huh😭 hope you liked it!🤍

Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Y/n One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now