I can't feel you- Wanda Maximoff

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Warnings: Hmmm none?

Wanda's Pov
"I can't do it y/n" I cried. My girlfriend y/n has the Soul stone  in her chest and Thanos wants that. "Wands it's okay just.. do it my love please" Y/n begged. She has a huge heart that's one of the reason i fell in love with her.

I slowly put my hand in front of y/n's chest and started to use my power to get it out. My baby had a painful face but tried to hide it from me. "Darling.. i-i just feel you" She struggled. I just sobbed. Suddenly Thanos started to walk to us so i used my power with my free hand to keep him there.

"I love you" She mouthed. With one more push the stone broke and y/n fell to the ground lifeless. I turned to Thanos and used all my strength now only focus on taking him down. He used the power stone making me fly and fell on the ground hard.

3rd person pov
Then Thanos approached to Y/n's body and lifted her up. Wanda tried to fight back. "NOO" She screamed but got punched once again by Thanos. He used the time stone to travel back where the stone is whole, Y/n had a familiar like a shield on her chest where the stone was Dr.Strange made that for her.

Thanos started repeatedly punching the shield till it broke to millions of pieces. He grabbed the stone and dropped y/n once again lifeless body. Now Thanos has all the infinity stones and all he have to do is snap his fingers.

Before he could do that Thor came with the hammer and threw it at Thanos. The Purple man fall back a little by the force. Thor grabbed the hammer and pushed it in Thanos's chest with more and more strenght. Purple grabe just yelled in pain.

"YOU TOOK AWAY MY FRIEND!" Thor screamed and. "Y-you.. Should've gone for the head." Thanos whimpered. Thor looked confused and before he could react Thanos snapped his finger.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" Thor shouted. Thanos just smiled and used the stone and disappeared into the air.

okay so Avengers won the big battle and Clint died instead of Nat. Tony, you are dead.

Wanda couldn't take it anymore. Her brother wasn't enough. Her lovely girlfriend too.. Wanda made her way to the place where they kept your body.

"When i came back, She was gone. And i know she's here" Wanda said. "I don't know what you're talking about miss." a person said. "She deserves a funeral at least. I deserve it. Wanda said. The person gulped. "Through the doors down the hall. "Let me open-" The man started. "I can do that myself." Wanda said.

"Miss can i help with anything?" A man in suit asked. "Where is she?" Wanda asked. "Ma'am she is ours now." The man said. "I'm her next of kin." Wanda said. "Understand. But i can't do anything."He said. "Give her to me." She said. He sigh. "Come with me." He said.

Wanda followed him and saw y/n's body and people working God knows what on her chest. "What is this? Why are you showing me this?" Wanda asked confused. "You wanted to see her one last time. There." Man said with a smile.

Wanda looked at y/n and the workers that are works on her. "S-stop Stop " Wanda whispered and put her hands on the window which seperated them. "What are they doing with her?!" She yelled. "That's an infomation i can't tell ma'am." He said. "Y/n'a not a weapon she is a person! You can't do this." Wanda said with teary eyes.

The man stayed quiet. "I- i just wanna bury her okay? That's all i want please." She said. "Sorry miss. You can see her now." Man said. Wanda turned back to the window her eyes gazing at y/n.

"She's all i have." She whispered. "He isn't yours." He said. Wanda's anger grew more and more just by looking at you and used he rpower to break down the window approaching y/n.

She pushed back the workers with her power. Then Wanda put her hand on y/n's chest. Red glowing on her hand. She closed her eyes trying to find any chance for y/n to survive.

After a few minutes she opened her teary eyes. "I can't feel you." She said with a low-voice. "I can't feel y-yo" she couldn't even finish it as she broke down.

After having enough strenght to leave the place and go into the car Wanda went to the place that y/n and her always dreams d about growing old in. Westview. She grabbed her sweatshirt which was y/n's favorite and dropped to her knees.

She really couldn't bear the pain anymore. Suddenly a full force red power goes out of her chest and hands. She's screaming. Her powers started to create a houses old fashion things and a shield around the whole WestView.

Then there's was y/n alive again. Everything was black-grey. Wanda looked at Y/n and Y/n looked deep into her eyes. "Welcome home baby." Y/n said. Wanda smiled and jumped in y/n's arms.

LMAOO 2 stories in 1 fricking day?!! ur welcome🙄 jk i just had time ig😂 Hope you liked this one besties! Vote if u did❤️ Take care

Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Y/n One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora