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Horror oneeee (kinda) its rushed so im sorry:') i'll be back with good ones hopefully soon:) enjoy! and give some space to the demon who's laying beside you duh.

one day on a stormy day y/n and their father were watching a movie. y/n's father slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. "Dad, this movie is so bad," y/n said, looking at their father, who was already fast asleep. "Again." they said to themselves.

y/n turned off the TV so that their father could sleep and slowly they also prepared for bed. They were suddenly awakened from half sleep by the phone ringing.

"Who could call me at dawn" y/n whispered. The number was unknown, but the profile had a picture of his grandfather. Their grandfather who's already dead. "This must be a joke. Sick joke" They said to themselves and hung up the phone.

Less than a minute later, the phone rang again. Now it just says it's an unknown number.

They decided to pick it up this time. "Yes?"they spoke softly. The only sound on the phone was like that someone on the line was constantly moving.

The line started to break. "y-y-n-n" Could be heard faintly.
But y/n immediately hung up. The voice was unfamiliar to them which made them terrified.

"It's must be because of the storm." The poor thing tried to reassurance themselves.

Finally, y/n successfully closed their eyes, drifting off to sleep.

They suddenly woke up, as if something or someone wanted her to get up. Y/n had a dog that ran into their room at that moment and started barking.

"Shut up Zeus, father is gonna wake up." They said. But the dog didn't seem to be bothered.

Y/n kept telling the dog to stop barking. And suddenly the dog stopped, sitting right in front of the cupboard, ears up and not taking his eyes off the cupboard.

"what is it Zeus, you're starting to scare me." they said scared.
The dog heard a crack while staring and ran out of the room.

"Hey! come back." Y/n quietly shouted to the dog.
But the cracking did not come from outside and the cupboard slowly started to open.

"Who-who is that?" they asked. Y/n only got whispers and incomprehensible words in response.
"Please," they said shakily.
"Y/n." The voice said.

This time it was in fact a familiar voice to them, no matter how muffled it was.

"N-Grandpa? you're not alive anymore, that can't be true, it's just a dream." Y/n told themselves convincingly.

Suddenly, the closet doors open and a much more demonic image of their grandfather jumps out in front of them. "Pick up the fucking phone, you bitch" The demonic face that looked just like his grandfather yelled at them.

At that, they jumped out of bed. "Just a nightmare" Y/n calmed down. Then the phone rang. Which almost made their heart stop.

"Honey, your phone is ringing!" His father shouted. Looking at the phone, it was his grandmother. "grandma?" Y/n said shakily.

"Hi my fairy, I just wanted to ask if we're gonna go with your daddy today?" Asked.

"W-where grandma?" They asked

"Don't be silly love, today is your grandfather's anniversary. It's been 1 year today since he died." She said sadly.

"And we discussed with your father that we would visit the cemetery." She continued.

dawg i dont like this at all and i feel like i started writing random stories withiut any marvel characters so i should really start a random story page or sum😭 anyways hope you enjoyed! Love🫶

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