I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me-Wanda Maximoff

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Hiya people a lil fluff for you

The whole team celebrated their successful mission by having a party in the compound. They were all having fun.

"Y/n!" Someone yelled from distance. "Yes Thor?" They asked. He chuckled. "The team trying to lift my mjölnir you have to see this!" He said exciting.

"Oh come on Thor this can't be that hard." Tony spoke. "Go on iron." Clint laughed. He tried but couldn't even move it a bit. "Give me a minute." he said and bring his ironman costume's arm. He tried again, nothing. "You know what fine! Stupid hammer." He mumbled.

"Who wanna go next?" Thor asked. "May i try God of Thunder?" Scott spoke AkA Ant Man. Thor nodded. Scott failed too. "Ahw man this thing, what is the name of this? Jonathan?" He said. Everyone burst out of laughing. Yeah well expect Thor. "It's Mjölnir." He said.

"Y/n? Wanna go for it?" Wanda teasingly asked. "Nah ah that's not a question i need answered." "Coward!" Wanda laughed. "Oh really Maximoff? You lucky i love you, i would've kick your ass." I said.

Y/n felt bad for that so they slowly approached to Wanda trying to kiss her but Wanda backed away. "Oh come on! I was just joking." Y/n defended. Y/n tried to go for it again but Wanda stood up and turned her back on Y/n.

"Baby please!" Y/n whined. "I'll consider kissing you, if you can beat me." She said. Y/n froze. Wanda really took that personally and for Y/n.. They knew damn well they didn't stand a chance.

"Ohhhh Y/n vs Wanda? This sounds just fun!"Scott said, hyping them up. "Wanda i just wanna kiss you! I was just joking!" Y/n said desperately. "Meet me at the training room in 1 hour." Wanda said.

Y/n's pov
I can't believe this, i'm about to have my ass beaten up by my girlfriend in 1 hour. All i wanted was a kiss! This is unfair and i need someone who can prepare me. And i just have the right person. Natasha.

I knocked on Nat's door and she opened it. "Let me guess, you want me to help you so you can have a slight chance winning that match against Wanda." She spoke. "That was personal but yes, guess you're right. Please?" I said.

"Alright i'll show you some techniques."

"Okay first things first, the most important thing in fighting is self defence. Try to wear down your opponent and then start throw strikes without giving them time to breath.

"You can soften the impact of the punches by clenching your jaw." She continued. "Okay i'll lay down, you come at me." Nat said. Y/n attempted to run up to Nat but at a sudden move Natasha used her leg to tackle them down hard to the ground. They groaned.

"It's important to not rush things. You can win time by distracting the opponent or play the victim." She explained while putting her hand out Y/n to take so they can stand up.

"Phew that move was cool! Thank you Nat, this will totally help me somehow!" They said. "Well wish you the best of luck. Big reward on the table." She said. Y/n nod. "Go get that kiss!" Nat hyped them up.

It's time. Both Y/n and Wanda made their way to the training room, there were already everyone watching and waiting for this huge match.

both of them got into position. "Wanda baby we don't have to do this, it's just a kiss!" Y/n tried. "A kiss you have to earn." Wanda said. They scoff in defeat.

Y/n threw the first punch, miserably missed, Wanda took that opportunity to take Y/n's arm, trapping it behind their back, pulling slightly but effectively on the arm.

Painful voices came from the audience by hearing Y/n groan. "Sorry love, have to earn it." Wanda whispered. "I was the one who ate the last donut yesterday." Y/n spoke. "YOU WHAT?" Wanda whisper yelled.

Distracting their girlfriend, Y/n successfully pushed Wanda off of their arm. "Smart!" Nat screamed.

Wanda approached to Y/n, throwing some punches, They blocked all of them, and kept blocking everything Wanda gave to them. This made the witch mad.

Suddenly red sparkles lifted Y/n in the air. "HEY! put me down! Not fair!" Y/n screamed. Wanda chuckled. "Ahw struggling? You said you will kick my ass." She said.

Y/n started to feel their oxygen leaving their lungs slowly. "W-wanda put me down." They said slightly choking. Wanda didn't realise it so she kept playing her evil game, lifting them even higher.

Y/n started to cough, as soon as Wanda heard it she quickly put Y/n down, rushing over to them. "Oh my god Y/n i'm so sorry i went too far, i'm so s-" The witch spoke but suddenly Y/n used the same leg tackle technique Nat showed them on Wanda.

Successfully sending Wanda on the ground. Y/n stood up and looked down at Wanda. "HAH! i won and kicked your ass!" They chuckled.

The audience were amazed and started clapping for both of them but mostly for the winner now for the reward.

Y/n helped their girlfriend up. "Sorry babes i had to do all i could to get my well deserved kiss." Y/n said while going to hug Wanda. She smiled and let Y/n hug her.

"Good move you did there." Wanda spoke. "Yeah yeah now give me my kiss!" Y/n said. She chuckled at their childishness, reaching her hands up to cup their face, she gave Y/n the most softest, loving kiss they've ever got.

Y/n immediately melted into the kiss, pulling Wanda closer to her. Then they realized they still got their audience both pulled away from each other.

"This definitely worth all the struggle."Y/n said. Wanda chuckled. "Get a room already!" Nat said.

Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Y/n One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now