October 31- Natasha Romanoff

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Summary: It's Halloween you and Pietro teamed up to scare some of the teammates 😈

Y/n's pov

It's October 31st  finally which means SPOOKY SEASON EVERYBODY! So my bestie Pietro and me decided to scare our teammates because it's fun. Let's get into it!

"who should we do first?" Pietro asked smiling. "Let's go with Peter, i already have an idea." I said chuckling just by thinking about it. "So i brought a spider costume and he's really scared of spiders.. Don't even ask. I'll hide and then jump out." I said, Pietro started laughing with me.

"Excited for this one." Pietro said.
"Okay i'll go to my room to dress up and while i do everything i need, you go to Peter. I will hide behind the bush outside." I explained. He nodded.

After i finished i phoned Pietro just enough to him to notice the ring.

Yes this is my costume don't judge

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Yes this is my costume don't judge.. I started my way to the living room where Pietro and Peter supposed to be. I quickly look at the couch and they were there talking. I quickly gave a thumbs up to Pietro and walk out as quietly as possible.

I got behind the bush and waited for the moment. "I want to dress up like Iron man but Mr. Stark won't give me one of his suit." I heard Peter saying this. I almost lost it.  I heard the footsteps getting louder and louder.

Pietro's pov
"where is y-" Peter started but y/n jumped out from the bush. "PEEK A BOOOO SPIDEY BOY!!!!" Y/n shouted. "AHHHHHHHH" Peter started to join the shout. I fell to the ground laughing my ass off. I looked up at Parker and he had a really embarrassed face. My eyes went down to his hands and saw a huge stain on his jean. My eyes widened.

Y/n's pov
I fell on the ground. 1. the costume was heavy asf and 2. from laughing. I looked at Pietro and he widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows. I look that way and saw a stain on Peter's jean. "Peter Parker did you just peed yourself?" I said while chuckling. "N-no it's s-sweat." He said embarrassed. "I didn't know spiders can pee." Pietro said.

"I- i gotta go." Peter said and started running. "That was amazing y/n!!"Pietro yelled. "Hell yes! Ugh i really need to take this shit off tho, it's really itching." I said.

"Okay who's next" He asked. "Natasha." I said . "Ohhh we're going to be in trouble, have any ideas?" he asked. "The team went  for a mission and Nat will come back later tonight from her mission. I brought fake blood and scary masks, fake knifes. You know what i'm thinking?" He i said smiling.

"Um i don't think THE Natasha Romanoff will get scared y/n." Pietro said confused. "Believe me, you didn't see her soft self yet." I said and winked. "Alright then let's get to work!" Pietro whisper-yelled.

So i started to paint with glowing  red paint, messages on the wall (not permanent paint ofc Start would kill us) "HELLO NATALIA" "WATCH OUT FOR YOURSELF." "WE'RE COMING FOR YOU."  Pietro pour fake blood on our shirt,jean and face.

I pour fake blood on the floor too. When we were done Pietro put his mask on and i did my makeup and we put on our costume. 

Everything was done now all we have to do is wait "Oh wait the lamp

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Everything was done now all we have to do is wait "Oh wait the lamp." Pietro said and he quickly turned off. After a few minutes we heard the door crack open. "Oh she's hereee" Pietro smiled.

"Why is it so dark already." We heard nat whispering. "What the hell" "Ew" "WHO THE FUCK IS THERE?!" "My baby.. Y/N! Please say something!!" "Okay it's not funny" "I swear i'm gonna kill you show your fucking face!!" We almost lost it. When she turned on the lamp.. it was time.

We both jumped out from behind the wall. Nat screamed and turned to us. "MOTHERFUCKERS!" She shouted and shot  a widow bite to Pietro. He fell on the ground. Before i could react she started running at me and punched me. HARD. in the jaw i managed to stay on my feets and try to let out words.

She went for it again this time Nat grabbed my hand and pushed me against the fridge, started to twist it. "OOOWWW NATALIAAA IT'S ME!" I finally managed to say it. "What?" She said angrily. "It's me!! y/n it's halloween you dumbass!" I yelled.

Finally she let me go and i hold my TWISTED arm close to my stomach and i hold my jaw with my hand. "Oh God y/n i'm sorry! Are you okay baby?" Nat asked worried. "Ughgrg" We heard Pietro groaning.

"Now that you're here, I am." I said. We both went for a hug. "That was a bad idea." Pietro whispered. "Now you guys know you shouldn't do something like this, especially to me. Baby are you sure you okay?" Nat asked again.

"Wow she really has a soft side." Pietro said but immediately regretting it when the assassin looked at him. "Say it again. I dare you." Nat warned. "I- i better get going haha bye guys! Happy Halloween!" Pietro said before he ran away using his super speed.

"I really missed you my love." Nat said while giving me lots of kisses all over my face. "I missed you too luv.. I- i need to shower i think." I said smiling. Nat chuckled. "Yeah i need that too let's go together." She said.

"But i'm full of fake blood and i'm dirty." I said chuckling. "I DON'T CARE! Let's go now." She ordered. "Yes ma'am." and with that we started our way to the bathroom..

Let me just say.. We had a loooong night😏

It's pretty long baes i really hope u enjoyed it! Sorry if there's any mistaked i wrote this in school.. lol. Vote if u liked it please! Okay take care ily!❤️❤️

Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Y/n One shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ