Morning-Wanda Maximoff

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Hey! I'm here with a happy one:) Enjoy!
Warnings: Noneee

Y/n's pov
It's currently 7 in the morning i'm doing my wonderful feeling stretches (those are the best things) But then i realized i was supposed to go for my daily training at 6 with Natasha so i quickly got up. "Shit shit i'm late." I whisper yelled.

"What's the matter honey?" I heard a sleepy voice. My beloved Wanda. "Oh no i'm sorry i woke you i just.. I'm running late again for training and-" I started. "Y/n you're in big trouble with Nat." She said i nodded.

"So? I don't even get my morning kiss?" She asked with a pout face. I smiled and approached to her and gave a short kiss on her forehead. "Seriously?" She pouted. "Your mouth smells so bad darling i'm sorry." I said and started my way out. "LOVE YA!" I said just loud enough for Wanda to hear. "Rude." I heard Wanda.

I ran down the stairs to get some food before training. "Ugh no food?!" I yelled. "Kid, it's morning why you gotta yell?" A voice which i assumed was Tony said.

"Sorry Tony but i'm already running late for training and now there's literally no food!" I explained. "Dramatic.. Here have my other half of sandwich." He said. "Wow really? What did you drink? Kind tea?" I joked.

I took a bite and i felt the onion flavor. "Ew not onion Tony come on! You know i hate those." I said. "Better then not having any, besides you should go, Nat was pretty upset you weren't here." He said, my eyes widened and i grabbed a water bottle and started my way into the training room.

"Natasha? I-" " YOU ARE LATE AGAIN" She shouted. I gulped. "Uhm well i have reasons." I said. "What are those ReAsOnS could be?" She asked. "I- i don't think you want to -" But she interrupted me. "Spill it." she said.

"Okay uh so me and Wanda had a long long night and -" I started. "That's gross you can stop there." She said and got into the position.

After 1 hour of training (because Nat had to go somewhere) Nat said we're done for today and i nodded. Quickly i took a shower because i was sweaty as hell. Then i made my way to our room but there was no one not even my Wanda.

"Where is she?" I whispered. "Y/N!! COME BREAKFAST READY" I heard Wanda yell. "Finally some food." I said and headed down.

"Hey Baby i missed you." I said and wabted to give her a kiss but she backed away. "Your mouth smells honey." She said smiling. "Screw you Tony and your sandwich." I whispered.

"Here's your plate babe." Wanda said and gave me a plate of pancakes with syrup on it and even my iced coffe my favorite. "Aw thank you" I said and started to eat.

After eating i got up and went to bathroom to do my basic makeup and hair, brushed my teeth then i headed to our room i heard something from the room so i knocked. "Can i come?" I asked.

"Oh of course i'm just changing. Come in." Wanda said. I opened the door just as much so i can get through and saw a literal goddess. "Wow damn." I said. "Hm? Did you say something?" She asked. "Oh no, you're just. Wow stunning." I said. She blushed.

"So? Can i finally give you a kiss?" I asked. "C'm'here" She said pulling me into a hug, kissing my forehead."I love you damn."

"Not possible." I said and i lifted her, carried to the bed. "I'm still pretty tired baby can we take a nap?" I asked. "Aw of course honey."she said
while giving a kiss me a kiss on the lips. "I'm so lucky." She whispered. "Not luckier than me." I said with a smile.

Now we both are laying on the bed and she buried her head into my neck and i rubbed her back while she was playing with my hair. Not took long we both fell asleep.

Soo this one's not sad so welcome😎 Hope u enjoyed it and i kinda rushed the end because i started writing this at school but forgot to finish it🥲 Anyways have an amazing day🤍 love ya

Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Y/n One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now