Their name was-Wanda Maximoff

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I'm running out of ideass🦶🏼But i hope you'll like this!! Enjoy❣️

3rd person's pov
"Can you believe it? Twins!" Geraldine smiled while looked down at Wanda's kids. Wanda looked at Monica. "I'm a twin. I had a sibling." She said. "Their name was Y/n." She finished.

Geraldine froze.

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Wanda sang while looking down at her new borns.
"They got blipped by Thanos. Weren't them?" Wanda stopped and looked deep into Geraldine's eyes. "What did you say?" She asked. She stayed quiet. Wanda spoke again now turning fully to Geraldine

"What did you say? Just now."  Geraldine smiled and grabbed Wanda's hands "I said, Wanda! You're such a strong lady." She said. "Should i say it one more time for good measure?" She chuckled. "No." Wanda spat.

"I think you should leave now." Wanda said. "Hey i'll take a shift rocking the babies!" Geraldine smiled. Suddenly Wanda walked over Geraldine. "Oh Wanda don't be like that."

"What is that?" Wanda asked, pointing at Geraldine's necklace. "What?" Geraldine asked while looking down at her necklace. "That symbol." Wanda continued. "i-" She started.

"Who are you?" Wands asked. "Wanda i am just your neighbor." She said, taking a step back. "Then how do you know about that?" She asked. "I don't- i-" Geraldine stuttered. "You're not my neighbor. And you're definitely not my friend." She said. "You are a stranger and an outsider." "And right now you are trespassing here." She ended.

Her hands started make to glowing red balls. "I want you to leave!" She said and blasted Geraldine across walls and through Westview.

Wanda just now realized the mess she made, quickly she built back the walls with her power before Vision comes home.

Vision at work.
"Sword. Top secret communique authenticate. Talk to Darcy Lewis findings regarding Maximoff anomaly
high levels of radiation present at perimeter effect Westview
Residents unknown.
Please advise. " The workers read on their computer. Vision was confused and felt something was wrong.

"Well come on Pal, what are we gonna write back? You're the office funny guy." "It's a joke! none of it is real." Vision did his wiggly woos on the computer then Put hus hands on one of the worker's head.

The man gasped "Please! please help me, what day is it? How long has it been? Where's my phone? I have to call my sister, i have to take care of my dad, he's sick.. WHERE'S MY PHONE?" He kept yelling. "Calm yourself Norm, i can't understand what you're trying to tell me." The worker grabbed Vision's clothes

"You have to stop her!" "Stop who?" Vision asked. "She's in my head, none of it is my own. It hurts, it hurts so much! Just make her stop MAKE IT STOP-" He shouted before Vision used his power again so he will be under Wanda's control once again.

"Now tell me this, if i sent an email, where would i put the step?" He asked like nothing happened.

Back to Wanda.
Vision just came back home.  Wanda turned around and saw Vision but when he was dead. (can i really say dead? More like when he was not  functioning anymore.. ANYWAYS) Wanda gasped but tried to hide it. "Where's Geraldine?" He asked. "Oh she left honey, she had to rush home." She said. "What is happening Wanda?" He asked, Wanda looked at him confused

"Nothing honey, what do you mean?" Wanda asked. "Don't act like you don't know Wanda! He has a family and he can't reach them! Because you won't let him!" Vision's voice got louder.  "I don't know what you're talking about!" Wanda spat. "Stop lying to me!" Vision yelled and lifted himself up in the air. Wanda did the same. "THIS. All of this, is for us. So let me handle it." She said.

"What is outside of Westview?" He asked. Wanda's face changed when Vision mentioned that. "You don't wanna know, i promise." She said, nervously. "You don't get to make that choice for me Wanda!" Vision pointed at Wanda.

Wanda was shocked. "You've never talked to me like this before." "Before? Before what Wanda? I can't remember my life before Westview, i don't even know who i am! I'm scared!" He yelled.

Wanda got down on the ground. "You, are my husband, you are Tommy's and Billy's father. Isn't that enough?" "Wanda why is  there never a children in the playground? It's always empty, tell me why? Why?" He asked. "Oh my God, do you really think i am controlling everything? That i am somehow in charge of everybody's life here? I- i" She stuttered.

"I don't even know how any of this started in the first place." She finished. "Wanda, what you're doing here is wrong, so so wrong-" Before he could say anything else, the bell rang. Vision looked at Wanda. "I didn't do that." She said, Vision looked down. "I-.. You don't believe me." She barely could finish that sentence. There was another ring.

OKAAAAAY im doing waaay too many little stories here cuz idk how to end these💀 Anyways hope ya like this one and if yes i'll do a 2 part of this<3 have a nice day🤍 btw if you guys have any ideas in ya head and want me to do please let me knoww!!

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