Chapter 25

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Nanon's POV

Aren't you coming home to send Ohm off? Pa called me that evening.

No. I don't wanna see him. I said and cut the call. My tears started rolling off but I wiped it agressivly. I am angry that he decided to leave me alone. So let him do that.

Ohm's POV

At his parents house.

I am panicking from inside out thinkin did I took the right decision?

Ohm anything else? Asked my Mom packing my suitcase while I was gulping my own saliva.

N- No. I replied. Chewing my nails.

My house was in fire. My Dad and Mom were talking , giving instructions about my future life. They know about my fake marriage with Non. They were disappointed but supported my decision without asking why and how? Cause they still believe whatever I do there will be reason behind it. But no to be honest I am freaking out from inside. I don't even know if this is right destiny for me. I want to call Nanon. I know right now he might be in some bar with a glass of beer sulking because of me.

Ohm you need to catch the flight sharp at 9 : 30 remember?

Huhhhh...Yeah I do.

Hia...You really think you are doing right? Thai asked me picking up my suitcase.

Ohm have this pickles when you reach Vegas. I don't know how you will take care of yourself without Na- ........... Son Takecare of yourself. My mom said. I nodded.

I looked at Thai... shaking my head in No...!!


Can you manage for a while. I will just come in 2 mins.

Where are you going?

Rooftop. I replied.

When I reached rooftop....I took my phone out.... Watching the contact "idiot". Should I?......
Fuck it. Let me.

Calling Nanon...


He-yyy Non.

Hmm. Tell me. Why did you call me?

I'm.... leaving. I said expecting something to listen which is probably impossible.

Yeah I know. All the best. Bestie.

Hmm. Thankyou. Then bye. I was about to hang up...

Heyyy Ohm..

Tell me. I quickly replied still hoping him to say something crazy.

Make sure to have meals 3 times a day. Is all he had to say....

Do you want me to leave? I asked cause I can't take this tension anymore. Praying to universal gods to listen NO from him. If he says NO right in this moment I will fucking leave everything for him.

Answer NON. I screamed from the phone.

The call you are trying right now is busy.... (Ohm cuts the call)

Nanon's POV

Shit the phone is out of battery! Right at this fucking moment...?

Where are you going Nanon?

I need to stop my fucking Husband...take care of the restaurant Phi Tay...!!

All the best Non....Now chase him.

I took my scooter driving directly to airport. But then I got caught by the police for not wearing helmet. I face palmed cursing all the demons in the universe.

Ohm look for me naa please. Wait for me. This time I will surely make it right.

Ohm's POV

I reached Airport still looking for him.

But No I was wrong I guess.

Ohm are you ready? P Perth asked me tapping his fingers to the tickets.

Yes P. let me take my luggage.

All the best Ohm. Take care. Ohm'sDad my son is leaving me behind. My Mom started crying.

Maa I will visit every year for sure.

Ignore your Mom. God bless you son. My dad said smiling kissing the back of my palm.

Then. I will leave bye. Take care of Mom and Dad. Thai.

Did you inform Nanon? Asked Thai side eyeing our parents.

Yes. I did. Looks like he is busy. Okay then Bye love and miss you guys.


Nanon pov

Where is Ohm? I asked out of breath.

P? You look very pale! Is everything okay? Did you run?

Where is Ohm? Thai.

He left just now....


Nanon....A familiar voice tapped my shoulder. I turned back hoping to see the face which I thought I will lose.

Ohm.....---- Film?

Hi. Nanon.

Hey film what are you doing here with this bistro guy?

Mind your tongue White. (I clearly don't remember Film's boyfriend name so I am going with White.)

Can you give us some time? Film asked White who was looking me with his red eyes.

I looked at Thai who now left after looking at film.

Why are you here ? I asked her.

I got married to white. So we are leaving Bangkok and starting a new company in US.

That's good. Congratulations.

Are you happy? Film asked me, putting me in a confusined situation.

Yeah ofcourse! I will always wish for your happiness. I replied sadly cause I am literally on the verge of crying not because she got married but because Ohm left me.

Okay. But I am not. Finally I realised how much you loved me. I couldn't understand your love for me. Maybe I have never noticed you from the start. She said smiling sadly.

You don't have to be sad. It's all in the destiny. I replied.

I have something to give you. She was looking for something in her hand bag.


Sweater? I asked looking at the small orange sweater.

Yeah. You gave me when we were young. I want to return it to you cause I don't want to have things with me which reminds me of you , me and us. Looking back I can clearly say how selfish I was, thinking my world was different from yours but no I was wrong cause I never tried to look in your world. Thankyou for the sweet memories. You will always stay in my memory. Finally now I feel good meeting you I was scared I would leave without saying a proper good bye to my first love.

First love ?

Looking back I always loved you but I couldn't accept that reality cause our both worlds are different after all. She smiled giving me a hug. I hugged her back. I don't know why I was crying but tears started rolling down my eyes.

She left, leaving me alone. I stared at that orange sweater in my hands..... recollecting my faded memory....

A faded memory which was now clear.... A small guy looking in the mirror wearing the same orange sweater smiling wide enough.

How does this sweater looks on me Nanon?

Wow. It looks better on you than me. You can have that.

Nanon. I like that sweater too , Film want it too.

Okay then....Ohm I'm sorry I'll buy you a new one. Have this Film.


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