Chapter 4

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Ohm's POV

Why he is late ? He said he will come back home after he was done with deliveries! He is not even picking up his phone. Anyways why do I care ? Let's see how long my dear bestie will ignore my calls.

Hey What are you thinking? Asked my brother Thai flexing his new shoes.

Nothing. I replied looking at the celling while sleeping on my Bed.

How are my new shoes ? Look here....Hiaaa See. Agrah don't close your eyes. Look.

Will you stop placing your shoes on my face. I screamed pushing Thai on the bed beside my bed.

Why are you annoyed all of a sudden.

"I don't know. Now stop bothering me."


Next Day Morning at the same spot I was waiting for Nanon and he appeared late this time he was smiling like an idiot for no freaking reason I smacked on head as I was getting on my bike. We had a small chart while driving to Work.

Last night I literally enjoy at Flim's place. We had some drinks , pop corn, movie , momos ,pizzas and you know what they loved my cooking specially Film. You know what Ohm our lives are different from those rich people that's what I thought all these days but No I was wrong. She made me feel that I was part of her world.

Oh Nice then. Congratulations Nanon. Finally you are getting a girlfriend. When you will propose her ? I asked Nanon with curiosity.

Let's see what will happen. Now Byeee Ohm All the best for your Day.

That Night

After getting scolding from my Maa I went into my room leaning on my empty bed. Thinking was it my fault if pan was on fire ? She would have called me very loudly I said I couldn't hear her but she doesn't believe me. I got under my bed sleeping peacefully. Then I heard loud sounds from upper flat it's obvious that Nanon and Uncle fought again , I ran to Nanon's flat but Nanon came out pushed me against the wall and ran away his cheeks were red.

I went to uncle who was ironing his Police uniform like a normal person as if he didn't bet his Son just now. I pulled that shirt and threw it on the floor.

"WHY DID YOU HIT HIM? WHY DO YOU TAKE YOUR ANGER ON HIM? REMEMBER UNCLE HE IS NO MORE TEEN KID SO THAT YOU CAN KEEP HIM UNDER YOUR CONTROL. HE IS GROWN UP MAN NOW..!! I said and left the room but I came again picking up the shirt from floor ironing then folding it neatly. I sat beside Uncle he hugged me and I could say it was Nanon's mistake this time.


Grandpa asked him to talk with him so I went on the roof top as expected he broke the flower vases I picked the broken pot and threw it in Transhbin then cleaned the area and stood beside Nanon who was sucking his 3rd cigarette I took the cigarette in my hand and completed sucking the other half.

"I hate being here with him Ohm." He spoke

Will you stay in our home tonight then ? I asked as I know he have no place other than his home and Mine.


As usual Nanon stayed at our home for 2-3 days then again went to his home the same fighting it happens every day but still as far as I know Nanon doesn't hate his Dad. And he has his Dad and Grandpa as his only family so he doesn't want to abondand his own father and Grandpa.

Next Day as usual I was waiting for him near the gate but he was not coming yet so I left for work alone but I couldn't concentrate on my work so came to home after working for half day ran to upstairs calling his name while searching Nanon in his house.

Why are you shouting like an idiot Ohm?

Where is he Grandpa? He didn't showed his face nor lifting my call from morning?

I don't know he kept changing his clothes from morning looking himself again and again in the mirror got clean shave maybe he went to meet a girl cause he was singing love songs of BTS.

That dork would have atleast said me that he going to meet someone? He will come home then to me to say about his date right that time I will see his End! Bye.

Bye Bye Ohm. Grandpa said while waving his hand in the hair.

Wait a minute Grandpa. Did you had your pills after lunch?


Oh my god always forgetful Old Man. Take this the red one is for BP and white one is for sugar and cream one is Calcium. Bye now.

Bye Bye Ohm.....Such a good person Ohmping is. (Grandpa whispers to himself).


Nanon POV

I was waiting in a cafe arranging my black tie in a correct position then she came in a red long dress she looked like a butterfly in that dress , I got up from my seat walked towards her and gave a handshake.

What's with this Handshake Nanon? We are friends now why should I always remind you? (Proceeds to Hug Nanon)

There should be no formalities among us okay you cute Dimple Guy! (Pinches Nanon's cheek)

Yeah there should be no formalities between friends. I like how you make me feel comfortable with you flim.

Comfortable? In which way?

Like this small act "hug" it made me comfortable. I said with a grin on my face.

"Oh Come on friend." She said and hugged me once again making my heart flutter in air I broke the hug to calm my heart beat walking towards a chair and pulled for her to take the seat then I took my own seat.

Thankyou for messaging me I didn't expect you to message me. I said while she was looking at the menu card waited came she gave her order and asked me what I will eat.

"Anything" I replied.

One cheese cake will be okay for you?

Yes. As I said anything is comfortable. I nodded.

Hmmm. Why didn't you expect my message when you are cute guy to hang out. I smiled to her comment.

By the way nice dressing style. She commented again which made me smile for nth time already.

You too look very pretty in that red frock.

Thankyou for letting me know that you liked it Nanon.


I wrote this 10 days before joining Hostel(Joined in one day) But finally now I am releasing.

Selenophile will get continued next year.

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